Louis Armstrong
I'll See You In My Dreams

I'll see you in my dreams

And then I'll hold you in my dreams

Someone took you right out of my arms

Still I feel the thrill of your charms

Lips that once were mine

Tender eyes that shine

They will light my way tonight

I'll see you in my dreams

Yes, I will see you in my dreams

You know I'll hold you in my dreams

I know that someone took you right out of my arms

But still I feel the thrill of your charms

I dream of lips that once were mine

And those tender eyes that shine

I know they'll light my way tonight

When I see you in my dreams

Yes, they will light my way tonight

Because I'll see you in my dreams

Mirror lyrics:

Because I'll see you in my dreams

Yes, they will light my way tonight

When I see you in my dreams

I know they'll light my way tonight

And those tender eyes that shine

I dream of lips that once were mine

But still I feel the thrill of your charms

I know that someone took you right out of my arms

You know I'll hold you in my dreams

Yes, I will see you in my dreams

I'll see you in my dreams

They will light my way tonight

Tender eyes that shine

Lips that once were mine

Still I feel the thrill of your charms

Someone took you right out of my arms

And then I'll hold you in my dreams

I'll see you in my dreams

Relevant Tags:
II'll SSee YYou IIn MMy DDreams 'll ee ou n y reams 'Ill eSe oYu nI yM rDeams j'll zee gou jn jy xreams jI'll zSee gYou jIn jMy xDreams
Ij'll Szee Ygou Ijn Mjy Dxreams 9'll wee hou 9n ky ereams 9I'll wSee hYou 9In kMy eDreams I9'll Swee Yhou I9n Mky Dereams l'll dee 6ou ln ny freams
lI'll dSee 6You lIn nMy fDreams Il'll Sdee Y6ou Iln Mny Dfreams o'll eee uou on Myy rreams oI'll eSee uYou oIn M rDreams Io'll Seee Yuou Ion My Drreams
k'll xee 7ou kn Mg creams kI'll xSee 7You kIn Mgy cDreams Ik'll Sxee Y7ou Ikn Myg Dcreams 8'll aee jou 8n Mh sreams 8I'll aSee jYou 8In Mhy sDreams
I8'll Saee Yjou I8n Myh Dsreams u'll tou un M6 uI'll Se tYou uIn M6y Deams Iu'll See Ytou Iun My6 Derams I''ll Sse Yoou Inn Mu Ddeams
Ill Ssee Yu I Muy Ddreams Il'l Sese Yuo In Myu Drdeams I'lll S3e Yku Im M7 D4eams I'l S3ee Ykou Imn M7y D4reams I'll Se3e Yoku Inm My7 Dr4eams
I'kl Sfe Y9u Ih Mj Dgeams I'kll Sfee Y9ou Ihn Dgreams I'lkl Sefe Yo9u Inh Myj Drgeams I'ol Sre Y0u Ij Mt Dteams I'oll Sree Y0ou Mty Dtreams
I'lol Sere Yo0u Inj Myt Drteams I'pl S4e Ylu Ib D5eams I'pll S4ee Ylou Ibn D5reams I'lpl Se4e Yolu Inb Dr5eams Sde Yiu Dfeams
Yiou Sede Yoiu Drfeams I'lk Swe Youu Deeams Yo I'llk Sewe You Dreeams
I'lo Yoh Yohu Drams I'llo Youh Draems I'lp Ses Yo7 Drsams Yo7u Drseams
I'llp Sees You7 Dresams Se3 Yok Dr3ams Dr3eams See3 Youk Dre3ams Sef Yoi Drfams

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