Louis Armstrong
Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
And miss it each night and day
I know I'm not wrong this feeling's gettin' stronger
The longer, I stay away
Miss them moss covered vines the tall sugar pines
Where mockin' birds used to sing
And I'd like to see that lazy Mississippi hurryin' into spring

The moonlight on the bayou a creole tune that fills the air
I dream about magnolias in bloom and I'm wishin' I was there

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
When that's where you left your heart
And there's one thing more I miss the one I care for
More than I miss New Orleans

The moonlight on the bayou a creole tune that fills the air
I dream about magnolias in bloom and I'm wishin' I was there

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
When that's where you left your heart
And there's one thing more I miss the one I care for
More more than I miss New Orleans

Mirror lyrics:

More more than I miss New Orleans
And there's one thing more I miss the one I care for
When that's where you left your heart
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans

I dream about magnolias in bloom and I'm wishin' I was there
The moonlight on the bayou a creole tune that fills the air

More than I miss New Orleans
And there's one thing more I miss the one I care for
When that's where you left your heart
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans

I dream about magnolias in bloom and I'm wishin' I was there
The moonlight on the bayou a creole tune that fills the air

And I'd like to see that lazy Mississippi hurryin' into spring
Where mockin' birds used to sing
Miss them moss covered vines the tall sugar pines
The longer, I stay away
I know I'm not wrong this feeling's gettin' stronger
And miss it each night and day
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans

Relevant Tags:
DDo YYou KKnow WWhat IIt MMeans TTo MMiss NNew OOrleans o ou now hat t eans o iss ew rleans oD oYu nKow hWat tI eMans oT iMss eNw rOleans
xo gou lnow ahat jt jeans fo jiss mew krleans xDo gYou lKnow aWhat jIt jMeans fTo jMiss mNew kOrleans Dxo Ygou Klnow Wahat Ijt Mjeans Tfo Mjiss Nmew Okrleans
eo hou onow 3hat 9t keans 5o kiss hew 9rleans eDo hYou oKnow 3What 9It kMeans 5To kMiss hNew 9Orleans Deo Yhou Konow W3hat I9t Mkeans T5o Mkiss Nhew O9rleans
fo 6ou mnow dhat lt neans ho niss jew 0rleans fDo 6You mKnow dWhat lIt nMeans hTo nMiss jNew 0Orleans Dfo Y6ou Kmnow Wdhat Ilt Mneans Tho Mniss Njew O0rleans
ro uou jnow ehat ot Meeans yo Miiss bew lrleans rDo uYou jKnow eWhat oIt Mans yTo Mss bNew lOrleans Dro Yuou Kjnow Wehat Iot Maens Tyo Msis Nbew Olrleans
co 7ou inow shat kt Msans 6o Mjss Neew irleans cDo 7You iKnow sWhat kIt Mseans 6To Nw iOrleans Dco Y7ou Kinow Wshat Ikt Mesans T6o Mijss Nwe Oirleans
so jou Knnow 2hat 8t M3ans go M9ss Nsw Orrleans sDo jYou Kow 2What 8It M3eans gTo M9iss Nsew Oleans Dso Yjou Konw W2hat I8t Me3ans Tgo Mi9ss Nesw Olreans
Doo tou Kmow qhat ut Mfans ro Mlss N3w Odleans D tYou qWhat uIt Mfeans rTo Mliss N3ew Odrleans Do Ytou Knmow Wqhat Iut Mefans Tro Milss Ne3w Ordleans
Dk Yoou Khow Whhat Itt Mrans Too Moss Nfw O4leans Dko Yu Khnow Wat I Mreans T Moiss Nfew O4rleans Dok Yuo Knhow Waht It Merans To Mioss Nefw Or4leans
D9 Yku Kjow Wjat If M4ans Tk Mkss Nrw Ogleans D9o Ykou Wjhat Ift M4eans Tko Nrew Ogrleans Do9 Yoku Knjow Whjat Itf Me4ans Tok Mikss Nerw Orgleans
D0 Y9u Kbow Wuat I5 Mdans T9 M8ss N4w Otleans D0o Y9ou Kbnow Wuhat I5t Mdeans T9o M8iss N4ew Otrleans Do0 Yo9u Knbow Whuat It5 Medans To9 Mi8ss Ne4w Ortleans
Dl Y0u Knoow Wnat Ih Mwans T0 Muss Ndw O5leans Dlo Y0ou Knw Wnhat Iht Mweans T0o Muiss Ndew O5rleans Dol Yo0u Knwo Whnat Ith Mewans To0 Miuss Nedw Or5leans
Di Ylu Knkw Wbat Iy Meaans Tl Misss Nww Ofleans Dio Ylou Knkow Wbhat Iyt Mens Tlo Mis Nwew Ofrleans Doi Yolu Knokw Whbat Ity Menas Tol Miss Neww Orfleans
Yiu Kn9w Wgat I6 Mezns Ti Mizs Oeleans Yiou Kn9ow Wghat I6t Mezans Tio Mizss Ne Oerleans Yoiu Kno9w Whgat It6 Meazns Toi Miszs New Oreleans
Youu Kn0w Wyat Ig Meqns Miws Nea Orlleans Yo Kn0ow Wyhat Igt Meqans Miwss Neaw Oreans You Kno0w Whyat Itg Meaqns Misws Newa Orelans
Yoh Knlw Whaat Ir Mesns Mids Ne3 Orkeans Yohu Knlow Wht Irt Midss Orkleans Youh Knolw Whta Itr Measns Misds New3 Orlkeans
Yo7 Kniw Whzt Mewns Mies Ned Oroeans Yo7u Kniow Whzat Miess Oroleans You7 Knoiw Whazt Meawns Mises Newd Orloeans
Yok Knoww Whqt Mexns Mixs Nee Orpeans Kno Whqat Mexans Mixss Orpleans Youk Know Whaqt Meaxns Misxs Newe Orlpeans
Yoi Knoa Whst Meanns Mias Nes Orleeans Knoaw Whsat Meas Miass Orlans Youi Knowa Whast Measn Misas News Orlaens
Yo8 Kno3 Whwt Meams Ne2 Orlsans Yo8u Kno3w Whwat Meamns Ne2w Orlseans You8 Know3 Whawt Meanms New2 Orlesans
Yoj Knod Whxt Meahs Misz Neq Orl3ans Yoju Knodw Whxat Meahns Neqw Orl3eans Youj Knowd Whaxt Meanhs Missz Newq Orle3ans
Yoy Knoe Whatt Meajs Misw Orlfans Yoyu Knoew Wha Meajns Orlfeans

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