Lou Barlow

Who are your royalty, who are you trying to please
Who will you follow tonight
I know that look you get playing dumb for respect
There when our eyes just met, off with you, go play the room

What do you have in mind, kind of Frankenstein
Pieces of people you know
Collected, rearranged, who's around, how to change
How to be perfectly cool
Ooo, I've seen you bend and shape, turn on me I can wait
Soon we'll be here all alone
Slowly reappear, not tonight I fear
You've found I new you to be
Someone, nothing like me

Don't let me pick a fight
Let me say goodnight and go home
Before I'm enraged
You are getting too close to the throne

Could be in me, my jealousy, making things ugly again
Making me curse your name, light a fire of blame
Burning what good things we had
Making me nothing but sad

No, it's not me, I am one of the many
You've used and betrayed, in your way
On your way
And I know you don't know what you do

When you find your king
When you find your queen
You'll do anything but try
To be honest and true, not hide

Mirror lyrics:

To be honest and true, not hide
You'll do anything but try
When you find your queen
When you find your king

And I know you don't know what you do
On your way
You've used and betrayed, in your way
No, it's not me, I am one of the many

Making me nothing but sad
Burning what good things we had
Making me curse your name, light a fire of blame
Could be in me, my jealousy, making things ugly again

You are getting too close to the throne
Before I'm enraged
Let me say goodnight and go home
Don't let me pick a fight

Someone, nothing like me
You've found I new you to be
Slowly reappear, not tonight I fear
Soon we'll be here all alone
Ooo, I've seen you bend and shape, turn on me I can wait
How to be perfectly cool
Collected, rearranged, who's around, how to change
Pieces of people you know
What do you have in mind, kind of Frankenstein

There when our eyes just met, off with you, go play the room
I know that look you get playing dumb for respect
Who will you follow tonight
Who are your royalty, who are you trying to please

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