To Hell We Ride

With you it's never good enough
Because you want the stuff that could change your future
You're lost amongst a sea of chance
And now the more you dance just gets you SINKING deeper
It's ok, dont appologize
You dont know what you're striving for and you never seem to try
It's too early, go live your lie
Keep on moving, it's time to...

Ride, ride, ride, now it's time to...
Ride, ride, ride

Everything seems tempting but nothing comes for free
I often wonder how you drive when the road's too dark to see
It's too early, It's time to...

Ride, ride, ride

We light the fire to watch it burn
But when it comes your turn all that's left is embers
You ran this race with no real heart, you're right back at the start
You'd already lost it
It's ok, dont appologize
You dont know what you're striving for and you never seem to try
It's too early, go live your lie
Keep on moving, it's time to...

Ride, ride, ride, now its time to...
Ride, ride, ride

Everything seems tempting but nothing comes for free
I often wonder how you drive when the road's too dark to see
It's too early, It's time to...

Ride, ride, ride

Everything feels tempting when you dont know who to be
I often wonder how you feel when you're lying next to me
It's too early, it's time to...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so what?
Yeah, yeah, after all that time
Yeah, yeah, no answers

Ride, ride

You know it's not enough
You know it's not enough
You know it's not enough

Mirror lyrics:

You know it's not enough
You know it's not enough
You know it's not enough

Ride, ride

Yeah, yeah, no answers
Yeah, yeah, after all that time
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so what?

It's too early, it's time to...
I often wonder how you feel when you're lying next to me
Everything feels tempting when you dont know who to be

Ride, ride, ride

It's too early, It's time to...
I often wonder how you drive when the road's too dark to see
Everything seems tempting but nothing comes for free

Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, now its time to...

Keep on moving, it's time to...
It's too early, go live your lie
You dont know what you're striving for and you never seem to try
It's ok, dont appologize
You'd already lost it
You ran this race with no real heart, you're right back at the start
But when it comes your turn all that's left is embers
We light the fire to watch it burn

Ride, ride, ride

It's too early, It's time to...
I often wonder how you drive when the road's too dark to see
Everything seems tempting but nothing comes for free

Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, now it's time to...

Keep on moving, it's time to...
It's too early, go live your lie
You dont know what you're striving for and you never seem to try
It's ok, dont appologize
And now the more you dance just gets you SINKING deeper
You're lost amongst a sea of chance
Because you want the stuff that could change your future
With you it's never good enough

Relevant Tags:
TTo HHell WWe RRide o ell e ide oT eHll eW iRde fo jell ae dide fTo jHell aWe dRide Tfo Hjell Wae Rdide 5o uell 3e 4ide
5To uHell 3We 4Ride T5o Huell W3e R4ide ho nell de gide hTo nHell dWe gRide Tho Hnell Wde Rgide yo bell ee tide yTo bHell eWe tRide
Tyo Hbell Wee Rtide 6o gell se 5ide 6To gHell sWe 5Ride T6o Hgell Wse R5ide go yell 2e fide gTo yHell 2We fRide Tgo Hyell W2e Rfide
ro Heell qe eide rTo Hll qWe eRide Tro Hlel Wqe Reide Too Hsll Riide T Hsell W Rde To Hesll We Rdie Tk H3ll Ws Rjde
Tko H3ell Rjide Tok He3ll Wes Rijde T9 Hfll W3 R9de T9o Hfell R9ide To9 Hefll We3 Ri9de T0 Hrll Wf Rlde T0o Hrell Wfe Rlide
To0 Herll Wef Rilde Tl H4ll Wr Rode Tlo H4ell Wre Roide Tol He4ll Wer Riode Ti Hdll W4 Rkde Tio Hdell W4e Rkide Toi Hedll We4 Rikde
Hwll Wd R8de Hwell R8ide

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