Leona Lewis
Can't Fight It

Feeling your energy
I can feel you before we catch eyes
Feels like some kind of magic is pulling you to me (yeah)
Oo, Everything that I want to hear (yeah)
Mm that’s exactly what you put in my ear
Gotta get you outa my head

It feels like you’re reading my mind,
Cause you’re doing everything that I like
And no matter how hard I try
I can’t seem to fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind

I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind

You’re lookin right through me
As if you know what I’m thinking
Oh trying to hard to hide it (yeah)
But everything you are, I like it
Gotta get you outta my head

It feels like you’re reading my mind,
Cause you’re doing everything that I like
And no matter how hard I try
I can’t seem to fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind

I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind

Oo, some kinda magic I can’t explain
My calm and cool I cannot maintain
All that I know is when you look at me
It feels like you’re reading my mind
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(whoa, whoa, whoa)

It feels like you’re reading my mind,
Cause you’re doing everything that I like
And no matter how hard I try
I can’t seem to fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind

I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind

Mirror lyrics:

It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it

It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t seem to fight it
And no matter how hard I try
Cause you’re doing everything that I like
It feels like you’re reading my mind,

(whoa, whoa, whoa)
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
It feels like you’re reading my mind
All that I know is when you look at me
My calm and cool I cannot maintain
Oo, some kinda magic I can’t explain

It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it

It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t seem to fight it
And no matter how hard I try
Cause you’re doing everything that I like
It feels like you’re reading my mind,

Gotta get you outta my head
But everything you are, I like it
Oh trying to hard to hide it (yeah)
As if you know what I’m thinking
You’re lookin right through me

It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it
It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t fight it, I can’t seem to fight it, I can’t fight it

It feels like you’re reading my mind
I can’t seem to fight it
And no matter how hard I try
Cause you’re doing everything that I like
It feels like you’re reading my mind,

Gotta get you outa my head
Mm that’s exactly what you put in my ear
Oo, Everything that I want to hear (yeah)
Feels like some kind of magic is pulling you to me (yeah)
I can feel you before we catch eyes
Feeling your energy

Relevant Tags:
CCan't FFight IIt an't ight t aCn't iFght tI fan't cight jt fCan't cFight jIt Cfan't Fcight Ijt xan't right 9t xCan't rFight 9It
Cxan't Fright I9t van't gight lt vCan't gFight lIt Cvan't Fgight Ilt dan't tight ot dCan't tFight oIt Cdan't Ftight Iot Caan't vight kt
Cn't vFight kIt Cna't Fvight Ikt Czn't dight 8t Czan't dFight 8It Cazn't Fdight I8t Cqn't Fiight ut Cqan't Fght uIt Caqn't Fgiht Iut
Csn't Fjght Itt Csan't Fjight I Casn't Fijght It Cwn't F9ght If Cwan't F9ight Ift Cawn't Fi9ght Itf Cxn't Flght I5 Flight I5t
Caxn't Filght It5 Cann't Foght Ih Ca't Foight Iht Ca'nt Fioght Ith Cam't Fkght Iy Camn't Fkight Iyt Canm't Fikght Ity Cah't F8ght I6
Cahn't F8ight I6t Canh't Fi8ght It6 Caj't Fught Ig Cajn't Fuight Igt Canj't Fiught Itg Cab't Figght Ir Cabn't Fiht Irt Canb't Fihgt Itr
Can''t Fihht Cant Fihght Cant' Fighht Can'tt Fiyht

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