Lauren Hoffman

Heartbeat that's lost in the creaking of steel

Teaching and training yourself not to feel

Here is what I see

Human turning into machine

And you're safe in those places where no-one can go

Locked-up and shuttered in it's total control

And I know how it feels

'Cause I lived there for years

But you try and you'll see

It's beautiful to be free

I wasn't born with a metal breast plate

You grow your protection and you learn how to hate

And I'm calling the bluff

I know you better

You arenÃ'¹t so tough

Are you inanimate

Do you rely

On manipulation

So you'll look alive

Are you automatic

What turns you on

Buttons and switches

Or lovers and songs

Lover, I've been wasting my time

Riddling, puzzling, searching your eyes

When all I can see

It's turbines and pistons where a man used to be

Am I just not getting it

Is this evolution

A mechanical revolution

Are you dictating your final solution

A mechanical revolution

Am I just not getting it

Is this evolution

A mechanical revolution

Are you dictating your final solution

A mechanical revolution

Mirror lyrics:

A mechanical revolution

Are you dictating your final solution

A mechanical revolution

Is this evolution

Am I just not getting it

A mechanical revolution

Are you dictating your final solution

A mechanical revolution

Is this evolution

Am I just not getting it

It's turbines and pistons where a man used to be

When all I can see

Riddling, puzzling, searching your eyes

Lover, I've been wasting my time

Or lovers and songs

Buttons and switches

What turns you on

Are you automatic

So you'll look alive

On manipulation

Do you rely

Are you inanimate

You arenÃ'¹t so tough

I know you better

And I'm calling the bluff

You grow your protection and you learn how to hate

I wasn't born with a metal breast plate

It's beautiful to be free

But you try and you'll see

'Cause I lived there for years

And I know how it feels

Locked-up and shuttered in it's total control

And you're safe in those places where no-one can go

Human turning into machine

Here is what I see

Teaching and training yourself not to feel

Heartbeat that's lost in the creaking of steel

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Mfechanical Mefchanical Mrchanical Mrechanical Merchanical M4chanical M4echanical Me4chanical Mdchanical Mdechanical Medchanical
Mwchanical Mwechanical Mewchanical Mecchanical Mehanical Mehcanical Mefhanical Mecfhanical Mexhanical Mexchanical Mecxhanical
Mevhanical Mevchanical Mecvhanical Medhanical Mecdhanical Mechhanical Mecanical Mecahnical Mecjanical Mecjhanical Mechjanical
Mecuanical Mecuhanical Mechuanical Mecnanical Mecnhanical Mechnanical Mecbanical Mecbhanical Mechbanical Mecganical Mecghanical
Mechganical Mecyanical Mecyhanical Mechyanical Mechaanical Mechnical Mechnaical Mechznical Mechzanical Mechaznical Mechqnical
Mechqanical Mechaqnical Mechsnical Mechsanical Mechasnical Mechwnical

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