Lauren Hart
Fine Romance

Fine Romance

We've got such a fine romance
Close calls all at long distance
I can hit the pavement whenever you might feel
There is nowhere to go
No place is my own

Mondays they still come and go
Filled with nicotine and no shows
Your passions only good about two days a week
There's nowhere to go
Nowhere's my own

All that I want
All but has up and gone
I should have known
All I want
Now and then becomes the start of the end

All for love
All for love
All for love

Knock knock there's nobody home
Fancy invites to a tired joke
Punch me with that line that has been
Making you so weak
There'll be nowhere to go
Nowhere's my own

All that I want
All but has up and gone
I should have known
All I want
Now and then becomes the start of the end

All for love
All for love
All for love

Mirror lyrics:

All for love
All for love
All for love

Now and then becomes the start of the end
All I want
I should have known
All but has up and gone
All that I want

Nowhere's my own
There'll be nowhere to go
Making you so weak
Punch me with that line that has been
Fancy invites to a tired joke
Knock knock there's nobody home

All for love
All for love
All for love

Now and then becomes the start of the end
All I want
I should have known
All but has up and gone
All that I want

Nowhere's my own
There's nowhere to go
Your passions only good about two days a week
Filled with nicotine and no shows
Mondays they still come and go

No place is my own
There is nowhere to go
I can hit the pavement whenever you might feel
Close calls all at long distance
We've got such a fine romance

Fine Romance

Relevant Tags:
FFine RRomance ine omance iFne oRmance cine domance cFine dRomance Fcine Rdomance rine 4omance rFine 4Romance Frine R4omance
gine gomance gFine gRomance Fgine Rgomance tine tomance tFine tRomance Ftine Rtomance vine 5omance vFine 5Romance Fvine R5omance
dine fomance dFine fRomance Fdine Rfomance Fiine eomance Fne eRomance Fnie Reomance Fjne Roomance Fjine Rmance Fijne Rmoance
F9ne Rkmance F9ine Rkomance Fi9ne Rokmance Flne R9mance Fline R9omance Filne Ro9mance Fone R0mance Foine R0omance Fione Ro0mance
Fkne Rlmance Fkine Rlomance Fikne Rolmance F8ne Rimance F8ine Riomance Fi8ne Roimance Fune Rommance Fuine Roance Fiune Roamnce
Finne Rojance Fie Rojmance Fien Romjance Fime Rokance Fimne Finme Romkance Fihe Ronance Fihne Ronmance Finhe Romnance
Fije Romaance Romnce Finje Romnace Fibe Romznce Fibne Romzance Finbe Romaznce Finee Romqnce Fin Romqance

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