Lake Of Tears
Lady Rosenred

There's a faerie in my head and I call her Lady Rosenred
Why she came there I don't know, no I don't know

We wander worlds sometimes
Green forests, stars and stories
A secret time under three moons

We walk the clouds at times
And ride on dragon faeries
A drink with friends under three moons

Say will you dream with me tonight, under moonlit skies

We run the hills sometimes
Do battles upon evil
A bard so sings within the shadows

We turn the ghosts around
And jam with angry mages
A silent dream within the shadows

Say will you dream with me tonight, under moonlit skies

And then we turn around
And find all forests gone
And find all stars and stories gone

And then we turn around
And find all faeries gone
And find all dragons faeries gone

Say will you dream with me tonight

Mirror lyrics:

Say will you dream with me tonight

And find all dragons faeries gone
And find all faeries gone
And then we turn around

And find all stars and stories gone
And find all forests gone
And then we turn around

Say will you dream with me tonight, under moonlit skies

A silent dream within the shadows
And jam with angry mages
We turn the ghosts around

A bard so sings within the shadows
Do battles upon evil
We run the hills sometimes

Say will you dream with me tonight, under moonlit skies

A drink with friends under three moons
And ride on dragon faeries
We walk the clouds at times

A secret time under three moons
Green forests, stars and stories
We wander worlds sometimes

Why she came there I don't know, no I don't know
There's a faerie in my head and I call her Lady Rosenred

Relevant Tags:
LLady RRosenred ady osenred aLdy oRsenred kady dosenred kLady dRosenred Lkady Rdosenred oady 4osenred oLady 4Rosenred Loady R4osenred
pady gosenred pLady gRosenred Lpady Rgosenred Laady tosenred Ldy tRosenred Lday Rtosenred Lzdy 5osenred Lzady 5Rosenred Lazdy R5osenred
Lqdy fosenred Lqady fRosenred Laqdy Rfosenred Lsdy eosenred Lsady eRosenred Lasdy Reosenred Lwdy Roosenred Lwady Rsenred Lawdy Rsoenred
Lxdy Rksenred Lxady Rkosenred Laxdy Roksenred Laddy R9senred Lay R9osenred Layd Ro9senred Laxy R0senred R0osenred Ladxy Ro0senred
Laey Rlsenred Laedy Rlosenred Ladey Rolsenred Lafy Risenred Lafdy Riosenred Ladfy Roisenred Lary Rossenred Lardy Roenred Ladry Roesnred
Lacy Rozenred Lacdy Rozsenred Ladcy Roszenred Lasy Rowenred Rowsenred Ladsy Roswenred Ladyy Rodenred Lad Rodsenred Lady Rosdenred
Ladg Roeenred Ladgy Roesenred Ladyg Roseenred Ladh Roxenred Ladhy Roxsenred Ladyh Rosxenred Lad6 Roaenred Lad6y Roasenred Lady6 Rosaenred
Ladu Laduy Rosnred Ladyu Rosnered Lad7 Rossnred Lad7y Lady7 Rosesnred Ladj Ros3nred Ladjy Ros3enred Ladyj Rose3nred
Ladt Rosfnred Ladty Rosfenred Ladyt Rosefnred Rosrnred Rosrenred Rosernred Ros4nred

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