Love To Hate You

For seven months and fifteen days
I've been telling you lies in different ways
I know things will change
But I don't know when
You keep talking about us
Like we still were friends

I just hate the way you talk to me
I just love to say what's bothering me

I love to hate you
I really love to hate you
And nothing you do
Will ever change my mind
I'm doing fine
Without you

It wasn't meant to be like this
All you gave her was one little innocent kiss
I didn't believe
She would turn to be
The love of your life
Just like me

I just hate the way you talk to me
I just love to say what you mean to me

I love to hate you
I really love to hate you
And nothing you do
Will ever change my mind
I'm doing fine
Without you

I'm doing fine
I'm doing fine

I'm doing fine
I love to hate you
I really love to hate you
And nothing you do Will ever change my mind
I'm doing fine
I love to hate you
I really love to hate you
And nothing you do
Will ever change my mind
I'm doing fine
Without you

Mirror lyrics:

Without you
I'm doing fine
Will ever change my mind
And nothing you do
I really love to hate you
I love to hate you
I'm doing fine
And nothing you do Will ever change my mind
I really love to hate you
I love to hate you
I'm doing fine

I'm doing fine
I'm doing fine

Without you
I'm doing fine
Will ever change my mind
And nothing you do
I really love to hate you
I love to hate you

I just love to say what you mean to me
I just hate the way you talk to me

Just like me
The love of your life
She would turn to be
I didn't believe
All you gave her was one little innocent kiss
It wasn't meant to be like this

Without you
I'm doing fine
Will ever change my mind
And nothing you do
I really love to hate you
I love to hate you

I just love to say what's bothering me
I just hate the way you talk to me

Like we still were friends
You keep talking about us
But I don't know when
I know things will change
I've been telling you lies in different ways
For seven months and fifteen days

Relevant Tags:
LLove TTo HHate YYou ove o ate ou oLve oT aHte oYu kove fo jate gou kLove fTo jHate gYou Lkove Tfo Hjate Ygou oove 5o uate hou
oLove 5To uHate hYou Loove T5o Huate Yhou pove ho nate 6ou pLove hTo nHate 6You Lpove Tho Hnate Y6ou yo bate uou Lve yTo bHate uYou
Lvoe Tyo Hbate Yuou Lkve 6o gate 7ou 6To gHate 7You Lokve T6o Hgate Y7ou L9ve go yate jou L9ove gTo yHate jYou Lo9ve Tgo Hyate Yjou
L0ve ro Haate tou L0ove rTo Hte tYou Lo0ve Tro Htae Ytou Llve Too Hzte Yoou Llove T Hzate Yu Lolve To Hazte Yuo Live Tk Hqte Yku
Liove Tko Hqate Ykou Loive Tok Haqte Yoku Lovve T9 Hste Y9u Loe T9o Hsate Y9ou Loev To9 Haste Yo9u Lobe T0 Hwte Y0u Lobve T0o Hwate Y0ou
Lovbe To0 Hawte Yo0u Loce Tl Hxte Ylu Locve Tlo Hxate Ylou Lovce Tol Haxte Yolu Loge Ti Hatte Yiu Logve Tio Hae Yiou Lovge Toi Haet Yoiu
Lofe Hafe Youu

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