Add 9
l was to young to know
that this was my life
l thought music was no future
it's just a game
We both been through sun and rain
Now l'd say were on top
But much remains
They held my hand
Sometimes they still do
When l'm weak
Because of you
l will never leave you
For what people write
l think we'll stay together
As long as it feels right
Our life's been up and down for years
But l think our love is to strong to take away
They held my hand
Sometimes they still do
When l'm weak
Because of you
They held my hand
Sometimes they still do
When l'm weak
Because of you
I will never leave you
I will never leave you
Because of you
When l'm weak
Sometimes they still do
They held my hand
Because of you
When l'm weak
Sometimes they still do
They held my hand
But l think our love is to strong to take away
Our life's been up and down for years
As long as it feels right
l think we'll stay together
For what people write
l will never leave you
Because of you
When l'm weak
Sometimes they still do
They held my hand
But much remains
Now l'd say were on top
We both been through sun and rain
it's just a game
l thought music was no future
that this was my life
l was to young to know
AAdd 99 |
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Asdd 9o |
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Adxd |
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