Lea Salonga
Friend Of Mine

I've known you for so long
You are a friend of mine
But babe, is this all we'd ever be
I've loved you eversince
You were a friend of mine
But babe, is this all we ever could be

You tell me things I've never known
I showed my love you've never shown
but then again when you cry
im always at your side
you tell me bout the love you've had
i listen very eagerly
but deep inside you'll never see
This feeling of emptiness
It makes me feel sad
But then again, I'm glad

I've known you all my life
You are a friend of mine
I know this is how it's gonna be
I've loved you then and I love you still
You're a friend of mine
I know that friends are all we ever could be

chorus except last line

but then again,
but then again
but then again
im glad

Mirror lyrics:

im glad
but then again
but then again
but then again,

chorus except last line

I know that friends are all we ever could be
You're a friend of mine
I've loved you then and I love you still
I know this is how it's gonna be
You are a friend of mine
I've known you all my life

But then again, I'm glad
It makes me feel sad
This feeling of emptiness
but deep inside you'll never see
i listen very eagerly
you tell me bout the love you've had
im always at your side
but then again when you cry
I showed my love you've never shown
You tell me things I've never known

But babe, is this all we ever could be
You were a friend of mine
I've loved you eversince
But babe, is this all we'd ever be
You are a friend of mine
I've known you for so long

Relevant Tags:
FFriend OOf MMine riend f ine rFiend fO iMne criend kf jine cFriend kOf jMine Fcriend Okf Mjine rriend 9f kine rFriend 9Of kMine
Frriend O9f Mkine griend 0f nine gFriend 0Of nMine Fgriend O0f Mnine triend lf Miine tFriend lOf Mne Ftriend Olf Mnie vriend if Mjne
vFriend iOf Fvriend Oif Mijne driend Off M9ne dFriend O M9ine Fdriend Of Mi9ne Oc Mlne Fiend Ocf Mline Firend Ofc Milne
Fdiend Or Mone Orf Moine Frdiend Ofr Mione F4iend Og Mkne F4riend Ogf Fr4iend Ofg Mikne Fgiend Ot M8ne Otf M8ine
Frgiend Oft Mi8ne Ftiend Ov Mune Ovf Muine Frtiend Ofv Miune F5iend Od Minne F5riend Odf Mie Fr5iend Ofd Mien Ffiend Mime
Ffriend Mimne Frfiend Minme Feiend Mihe Feriend Mihne Freiend Minhe Friiend Mije Frend Freind Minje
Frjend Mibe Frjiend Mibne Frijend Minbe Fr9end Minee Fr9iend Min Fri9end Mine Frlend Mins Frliend Minse
Frilend Mines Froend Min3 Froiend Min3e Frioend Mine3 Frkend Minf Frkiend Minfe Frikend Minef

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