Lea Salonga
It's Just Goodbye

The sweetest songs, fade to echoes in the wind
The best of times must end, so a new day can begin
And the dreams we dream that seem so real at night
Must meet the morning light, and vanish from our sight

It's just goodbye
Remember, time was never our friend
We walked the road together, we came to the end
It's just goodbye
Now I won't tell you not to cry
But I swear that what we had won't die
Cause it isn't over, it's just goodbye

I close my eyes, and I still can see your face
I know the truth of us, can't be bound by time or space
And the joy we shared, the magic that we've known
Is something that we own, though we may be alone

It's just goodbye
Remember, time was never our friend
We walked the road together, we came to the end
It's just goodbye
Now I won't tell you not to cry
But I swear that what we had won't die
Cause it isn't over, it's just goodbye

It's just goodbye
It doesn't really matter why
I know what we had, can never die
Cause I'll always love you
Yes I'll always love you, so it's just goodbye

Mirror lyrics:

Yes I'll always love you, so it's just goodbye
Cause I'll always love you
I know what we had, can never die
It doesn't really matter why
It's just goodbye

Cause it isn't over, it's just goodbye
But I swear that what we had won't die
Now I won't tell you not to cry
It's just goodbye
We walked the road together, we came to the end
Remember, time was never our friend
It's just goodbye

Is something that we own, though we may be alone
And the joy we shared, the magic that we've known
I know the truth of us, can't be bound by time or space
I close my eyes, and I still can see your face

Cause it isn't over, it's just goodbye
But I swear that what we had won't die
Now I won't tell you not to cry
It's just goodbye
We walked the road together, we came to the end
Remember, time was never our friend
It's just goodbye

Must meet the morning light, and vanish from our sight
And the dreams we dream that seem so real at night
The best of times must end, so a new day can begin
The sweetest songs, fade to echoes in the wind

Relevant Tags:
IIt's JJust GGoodbye t's ust oodbye tI's uJst oGodbye jt's kust hoodbye jIt's kJust hGoodbye Ijt's Jkust Ghoodbye
9t's iust yoodbye 9It's iJust yGoodbye I9t's Jiust Gyoodbye lt's must boodbye lIt's mJust bGoodbye Ilt's Jmust Gboodbye
ot's nust voodbye oIt's nJust vGoodbye Iot's Jnust Gvoodbye kt's hust foodbye kIt's hJust fGoodbye Ikt's Jhust Gfoodbye
8t's uust toodbye 8It's uJust tGoodbye I8t's Juust Gtoodbye ut's Gooodbye uIt's Jst Godbye Iut's Jsut Goodbye
Itt's Jhst Gkodbye I's Gkoodbye I'ts Juhst Gokodbye If's J7st G9odbye Ift's J7ust G9oodbye Itf's Ju7st Go9odbye
I5's Jkst G0odbye I5t's G0oodbye It5's Jukst Go0odbye Ih's Jist Glodbye Iht's Gloodbye Ith's Juist Golodbye
Iy's J8st Giodbye Iyt's J8ust Gioodbye Ity's Ju8st Goiodbye I6's Jjst I6t's Jjust It6's Jujst Godobye
Ig's Jyst Gokdbye Igt's Jyust Itg's Juyst Gookdbye Ir's Jusst Go9dbye Irt's Jut Itr's Juts Goo9dbye
It''s Juzt Go0dbye Its Juzst Its' Juszt Goo0dbye It'ss Juwt Goldbye It' Juwst It's Juswt Gooldbye
It'z Judt Goidbye It'zs Judst It'sz Jusdt Gooidbye It'w Juet Gooddbye It'ws Juest Goobye It'sw Juset Goobdye
It'd Juxt Gooxbye It'ds Juxst Gooxdbye It'sd Jusxt Goodxbye It'e Juat Gooebye It'es Juast Gooedbye It'se Jusat Goodebye

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