Last Years Hero
Lovestruck But Heartbroken

Catch me before I hit the ground
Fall so hard but make no sound
Slip right through your fingers
Guess we weren't meant to be

This time everytime
i fail to see the sign
your lack of interest
ensures your at your best

This is overrated

Lost for words again
lovestruck but heartbroken

Catch me before I hit the ground
Fall so hard but make no sound
Slip right through your fingers
Guess we weren't meant to be

I'd like to think that we
missed oppertunities
and as a consequence
nothing makes any sense

No choice but to take it
No point but to fake it

Lost for words again
lovestruck but heartbroken

Catch me before I hit the ground
Fall so hard but make no sound
Slip right through your fingers
Guess we weren't meant to be

Catch me before I hit the ground
Fall so hard but make no sound
Slip right through your
Guess we weren't meant to be
Cant you see?

Mirror lyrics:

Cant you see?
Guess we weren't meant to be
Slip right through your
Fall so hard but make no sound
Catch me before I hit the ground

Guess we weren't meant to be
Slip right through your fingers
Fall so hard but make no sound
Catch me before I hit the ground

lovestruck but heartbroken
Lost for words again

No point but to fake it
No choice but to take it

nothing makes any sense
and as a consequence
missed oppertunities
I'd like to think that we

Guess we weren't meant to be
Slip right through your fingers
Fall so hard but make no sound
Catch me before I hit the ground

lovestruck but heartbroken
Lost for words again

This is overrated

ensures your at your best
your lack of interest
i fail to see the sign
This time everytime

Guess we weren't meant to be
Slip right through your fingers
Fall so hard but make no sound
Catch me before I hit the ground

Relevant Tags:
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Lkovestruck Bvut Hjeartbroken oovestruck gut ueartbroken oLovestruck gBut uHeartbroken Loovestruck Bgut Hueartbroken povestruck nut neartbroken
pLovestruck nBut nHeartbroken Lpovestruck Bnut Hneartbroken hut beartbroken Lvestruck hBut bHeartbroken Lvoestruck Bhut Hbeartbroken
Lkvestruck Buut geartbroken Bt gHeartbroken Lokvestruck Btu Hgeartbroken L9vestruck Bht yeartbroken L9ovestruck yHeartbroken
Lo9vestruck Buht Hyeartbroken L0vestruck B7t Heeartbroken L0ovestruck B7ut Hartbroken Lo0vestruck Bu7t Haertbroken Llvestruck Bkt Hsartbroken
Llovestruck Bkut Hseartbroken Lolvestruck Bukt Hesartbroken Livestruck Bit H3artbroken Liovestruck Biut H3eartbroken Loivestruck Buit He3artbroken
Lovvestruck B8t Hfartbroken Loestruck B8ut Hfeartbroken Loevstruck Bu8t Hefartbroken Lobestruck Bjt Hrartbroken Lobvestruck Bjut Hreartbroken
Lovbestruck Bujt Herartbroken Locestruck Byt H4artbroken Locvestruck Byut H4eartbroken Lovcestruck Buyt He4artbroken Logestruck Butt Hdartbroken
Logvestruck Bu Hdeartbroken Lovgestruck But Hedartbroken Lofestruck Buf Hwartbroken Lofvestruck Buft Hweartbroken Lovfestruck Butf Hewartbroken
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Bu6t Lovefstruck But6 Heasrtbroken Lovrstruck Bug Hewrtbroken Lovrestruck Bugt Loverstruck Butg Heawrtbroken
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