Last Tribe
Bring Out The Brave

Waiting with closed eyes
Waiting for the dark to fall
Smelling the danger
Listening for the final call

We are the ones who waited all our lives
We are the one who searched in all times

Feeling the darkness
Feeling that our time has come
Choosing my weapon
Knowing this night will last long

We are the one who waited all our lives
We are the ones who searched in our dreams
of things that ain't just what they seem

Bring out the brave tonight
And line them up before me
Join in the sacred fight
The battle that will set you free
Bring out the brave tonight
And let everyone see
The rise of the holy light
The light that will set you free

Feeling the strong wind
Feeling your tears dry up
The waiting is over
This is the time to unite

We are the ones who waited all our lives
We are the ones who searched in our dreams
Of things that ain't just what they seem

Bring out the brave tonight
And line them up before me
Join in the sacred fight
The battle that will set you free
Bring out the brave tonight
And let everyone see
The rise of the holy light
The light that will set you free

Mirror lyrics:

The light that will set you free
The rise of the holy light
And let everyone see
Bring out the brave tonight
The battle that will set you free
Join in the sacred fight
And line them up before me
Bring out the brave tonight

Of things that ain't just what they seem
We are the ones who searched in our dreams
We are the ones who waited all our lives

This is the time to unite
The waiting is over
Feeling your tears dry up
Feeling the strong wind

The light that will set you free
The rise of the holy light
And let everyone see
Bring out the brave tonight
The battle that will set you free
Join in the sacred fight
And line them up before me
Bring out the brave tonight

of things that ain't just what they seem
We are the ones who searched in our dreams
We are the one who waited all our lives

Knowing this night will last long
Choosing my weapon
Feeling that our time has come
Feeling the darkness

We are the one who searched in all times
We are the ones who waited all our lives

Listening for the final call
Smelling the danger
Waiting for the dark to fall
Waiting with closed eyes

Relevant Tags:
BBring OOut TThe BBrave ring ut he rave rBing uOt hTe rBave vring kut fhe vrave vBring kOut fThe vBrave Bvring Okut Tfhe Bvrave
gring 9ut 5he grave gBring 9Out 5The gBrave Bgring O9ut T5he Bgrave nring 0ut hhe nrave nBring 0Out hThe nBrave Bnring O0ut Thhe Bnrave
hring lut yhe hrave hBring lOut yThe hBrave Bhring Olut Tyhe Bhrave Brring iut 6he Brrave Bing iOut 6The Bave Birng Oiut T6he Barve
Bding Ouut ghe Bdave Bdring Ot gThe Bdrave Brding Otu Tghe Brdave B4ing Oht rhe B4ave B4ring Ohut rThe B4rave Br4ing Ouht Trhe Br4ave
Bging O7t Bgave O7ut Te Brging Ou7t Teh Brgave Bting Okt Tje Btave Btring Tjhe Btrave Brting Oukt Thje Brtave
B5ing Oit Tue B5ave B5ring Tuhe B5rave Br5ing Ouit Thue Br5ave Bfing O8t Tne Bfave Bfring O8ut Tnhe Bfrave Brfing Ou8t Thne Brfave
Being Ojt Tbe Beave Bering Ojut Tbhe Berave Breing Oujt Thbe Breave Briing Oyt Tge Braave Brng Oyut Brve Brnig Ouyt Thge Brvae
Brjng Outt Tye Brzve Brjing Ou Brzave Brijng Out Thye Brazve Br9ng Ouf Thee Brqve Br9ing Ouft Th Brqave Bri9ng Outf The Braqve

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