Lee Rogers
Brian Writes Poetry

Standing by the river side, he gazed across the water
Pen and paper poised to write some words some how
The middle from a brood of three Brian, he writes poetry
The others didn't go that road at all

Played the razor looking down
With his heart on his sleeve
Eloquently speaks his words gonna get you to believe
But I say...............

Now every day was just the same but with a different
feel and a different name
It's crazy just to watch how a story goes
The Timeless Search for Everything was a poem I heard, I was just a kid
I say it now, it doesn't really flow, no, no

Played the razor looking down

With his heart on his sleeve
Eloquently speaks his words gonna get you to believe
But I say...............

Laughing, running, skipping and jumping a fool for words a story coming
He lays his lines into the land
But I heard just the other day that Brian he had gone away
Leaving just some whiskey and some songs he had

Played the razor looking down
With his heart on his sleeve
Eloquently speaks his words gonna get you to believe
But I say...............

Mirror lyrics:

But I say...............
Eloquently speaks his words gonna get you to believe
With his heart on his sleeve
Played the razor looking down

Leaving just some whiskey and some songs he had
But I heard just the other day that Brian he had gone away
He lays his lines into the land
Laughing, running, skipping and jumping a fool for words a story coming

But I say...............
Eloquently speaks his words gonna get you to believe
With his heart on his sleeve

Played the razor looking down

I say it now, it doesn't really flow, no, no
The Timeless Search for Everything was a poem I heard, I was just a kid
It's crazy just to watch how a story goes
feel and a different name
Now every day was just the same but with a different

But I say...............
Eloquently speaks his words gonna get you to believe
With his heart on his sleeve
Played the razor looking down

The others didn't go that road at all
The middle from a brood of three Brian, he writes poetry
Pen and paper poised to write some words some how
Standing by the river side, he gazed across the water

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grian 3rites loetry gBrian 3Writes lPoetry Bgrian W3rites Ploetry nrian drites ooetry nBrian dWrites oPoetry Bnrian Wdrites Pooetry
hrian erites hBrian eWrites Petry Bhrian Werites Peotry Brrian srites Pketry Bian sWrites Pkoetry Biran Wsrites Poketry
Bdian 2rites P9etry Bdrian 2Writes P9oetry Brdian W2rites Po9etry B4ian qrites P0etry B4rian qWrites Br4ian Wqrites Po0etry
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B5ian W4ites Poeetry B5rian W4rites Potry Br5ian Wr4ites Potery Bfian Wgites Postry Bfrian Wgrites Posetry Brfian Wrgites Poestry
Beian Wtites Po3try Berian Wtrites Po3etry Breian Wrtites Poe3try Briian W5ites Poftry Bran W5rites Pofetry Brain Wr5ites Poeftry
Brjan Wfites Portry Brjian Wfrites Poretry Brijan Wrfites Poertry Br9an Weites Po4try Br9ian Po4etry Bri9an Wreites Poe4try
Brlan Wriites Podtry Brlian Wrtes Podetry Brilan Wrties Poedtry Broan Wrjtes Powtry Broian Wrjites Powetry Brioan Wrijtes Poewtry
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Brizn Wr8tes Poeyry

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