Lee Kernaghan
Baptise The Ute

I saw the ute
I heard the voice
I knew i had to make her mine
Shiny and red, on the show room floor
I scratched my name on the dotted line

I'm on a mission, the Grand Tradition
Theres only one thing left to do
Theres a clay pan, theres a big old mud hole
Gunna take my brand new baby right on through


Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute
You wont be satisfied until you do
Leave ya mark
Break it in
Take it to the edge and back again

When shes in my rig
She feels the rumble
She loves to ride in my machine
She runs her fingers, along the console
She sez theres no where else she'd rather be

But im on a mission, Grand Tradition
And if i play my cards just right
The motors runnin
And things are hummin,
I reckon this could be my lucky night


Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute
You wont be satified until you do
Leave ya mark
Break it in
We'll take it to the edge and back again


Bugs on the bullbar
Fur on the side rails
Mud on the windscreen
Cause we'll baptise the ute

Well im on a mission, we have ignition
We gotta do what must be done
When the ceremony has been completed
We'll start her up and do it all again


Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute
You wont be satisfied until you do
Leave ya mark
Break it in
Take it to the edge and back again

Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute
Got to take her out and see what she can do
Leave ya mark
Break it in
Got to take it to the edge and back again


Mirror lyrics:


Got to take it to the edge and back again
Break it in
Leave ya mark
Got to take her out and see what she can do
Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute

Take it to the edge and back again
Break it in
Leave ya mark
You wont be satisfied until you do
Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute


We'll start her up and do it all again
When the ceremony has been completed
We gotta do what must be done
Well im on a mission, we have ignition

Cause we'll baptise the ute
Mud on the windscreen
Fur on the side rails
Bugs on the bullbar


We'll take it to the edge and back again
Break it in
Leave ya mark
You wont be satified until you do
Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute


I reckon this could be my lucky night
And things are hummin,
The motors runnin
And if i play my cards just right
But im on a mission, Grand Tradition

She sez theres no where else she'd rather be
She runs her fingers, along the console
She loves to ride in my machine
She feels the rumble
When shes in my rig

Take it to the edge and back again
Break it in
Leave ya mark
You wont be satisfied until you do
Baptise the ute
Baptise the ute


Gunna take my brand new baby right on through
Theres a clay pan, theres a big old mud hole
Theres only one thing left to do
I'm on a mission, the Grand Tradition

I scratched my name on the dotted line
Shiny and red, on the show room floor
I knew i had to make her mine
I heard the voice
I saw the ute

Relevant Tags:
BBaptise TThe UUte aptise he te aBptise hTe tUe vaptise fhe hte vBaptise fThe hUte Bvaptise Tfhe Uhte gaptise 5he 7te
gBaptise 5The 7Ute Bgaptise T5he U7te naptise hhe kte nBaptise hThe kUte Bnaptise Thhe Ukte haptise yhe ite hBaptise yThe iUte
Bhaptise Tyhe Uite Baaptise 6he 8te Bptise 6The 8Ute Bpatise T6he U8te Bzptise ghe jte Bzaptise gThe jUte Bazptise Tghe Ujte
Bqptise rhe yte Bqaptise rThe yUte Baqptise Trhe Uyte Bsptise Utte Bsaptise Te Ue Basptise Teh Uet Bwptise Tje Ufe
Bwaptise Tjhe Ufte Bawptise Thje Utfe Bxptise Tue U5e Bxaptise Tuhe U5te Baxptise Thue Ut5e Bapptise Tne Uhe Batise Tnhe
Batpise Thne Uthe Ba0tise Tbe Uye Ba0ptise Tbhe Bap0tise Thbe Utye Baltise Tge U6e Balptise U6te Bapltise Thge Ut6e
Baotise Tye Uge Baoptise Ugte Bapotise Thye Utge Bapttise Thee Ure Bapise Th Urte Bapitse The Utre Bapfise Ths Utee
Bapftise Thse Ut Baptfise Thes Ute Bap5ise Th3 Uts Bap5tise Th3e Utse Bapt5ise The3 Utes Baphise Thf Ut3 Baphtise Thfe Ut3e
Bapthise Thef Ute3 Bapyise Thr Utf Bapytise Thre Baptyise Ther Utef Bap6ise Th4 Utr Bap6tise Th4e Bapt6ise The4 Uter
Bapgise Thd Ut4 Bapgtise Thde Ut4e Baptgise Thed Ute4 Baprise Thw Utd

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