Lee Harding
Just Another Love Song

I've seranaded you a billion times
But you don't hear the tune
I'm singing tonight
I guess I must have wrote
A zillion lines
Just to make you see
What's staring you blind
But what do I know
What can I do
But write another love song for you

If you would sing to me
I'd feel the melody
Won't be just another love song
If you could play the rest
We'd share a sweet caress
Don't want just another love song

The angels all make
A heavenly sound
But I know if you sang
They'd see what I've found
You never seem to guess
What I'm trying to say
Well your my diva
You belong on my stage
But what do I know
What can I do
But write another love song for you


And I can't love you more
More than this
Cos this is the maximum for sure
Yes it is!


And I can't love you anymore
More than this
Cos this is the maximum for sure
Yes it is!


Mirror lyrics:


Yes it is!
Cos this is the maximum for sure
More than this
And I can't love you anymore


Yes it is!
Cos this is the maximum for sure
More than this
And I can't love you more


But write another love song for you
What can I do
But what do I know
You belong on my stage
Well your my diva
What I'm trying to say
You never seem to guess
They'd see what I've found
But I know if you sang
A heavenly sound
The angels all make

Don't want just another love song
We'd share a sweet caress
If you could play the rest
Won't be just another love song
I'd feel the melody
If you would sing to me

But write another love song for you
What can I do
But what do I know
What's staring you blind
Just to make you see
A zillion lines
I guess I must have wrote
I'm singing tonight
But you don't hear the tune
I've seranaded you a billion times

Relevant Tags:
JJust AAnother LLove SSong ust nother ove ong uJst nAother oLve oSng kust znother kove zong kJust zAnother kLove zSong Jkust Aznother Lkove Szong
iust qnother oove wong iJust qAnother oLove wSong Jiust Aqnother Loove Swong must snother pove dong mJust sAnother pLove dSong Jmust Asnother Lpove Sdong
nust wnother eong nJust wAnother Lve eSong Jnust Awnother Lvoe Seong hust xnother Lkve xong hJust xAnother xSong Jhust Axnother Lokve Sxong
uust Annother L9ve aong uJust Aother L9ove aSong Juust Aonther Lo9ve Saong Amother L0ve Soong Jst Amnother L0ove Sng Jsut Anmother Lo0ve Snog
Jhst Ahother Llve Skng Ahnother Llove Skong Juhst Anhother Lolve Sokng J7st Ajother Live S9ng J7ust Ajnother Liove S9ong Ju7st Anjother Loive So9ng
Jkst Abother Lovve S0ng Abnother Loe S0ong Jukst Anbother Loev So0ng Jist Anoother Lobe Slng Anther Lobve Slong Juist Antoher Lovbe Solng
J8st Ankther Loce Sing J8ust Ankother Locve Siong Ju8st Anokther Lovce Soing Jjst An9ther Loge Sonng Jjust An9other Logve Sog Jujst Ano9ther Lovge Sogn
Jyst An0ther Lofe Somg Jyust An0other Lofve Somng Juyst Ano0ther Lovfe Sonmg Jusst Anlther Lovee Sohg Jut Anlother Lov Sohng Juts Anolther Love Sonhg
Juzt Anither Lovs Sojg Juzst Aniother Lovse Sojng Juszt Anoither Loves Sonjg Juwt Anotther Lov3 Sobg Juwst Anoher Lov3e Sobng Juswt Anohter Love3 Sonbg
Judt Anofher Lovf Songg Judst Anofther Son Jusdt Anotfher Lovef Song Juet Ano5her Lovr Sonh Juest Ano5ther Lovre Juset Anot5her Lover Songh
Juxt Anohher Lov4 Sony Juxst Anohther Lov4e Sonyg Jusxt Anothher Love4 Songy Juat Anoyher Lovd Sonb Juast Anoyther Lovde Jusat Anotyher Loved Songb
Justt Ano6her Lovw Sonv Jus Ano6ther Lovwe Sonvg

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