Lee Dewyze
So I'm Told

Why don't do what anybody else would?
Go about it the familiar way
A one-way ticket to LA

And people keep on saying
That I belong in California
But I'm fine here

I don't think that I could fly
Maybe a train or I'll just drive
I like it here
The sky is blue and the air is clear

And people keep on saying
That I belong in California
But I'm fine here

Don't listen to what they say
Cause you could go about it
Mmm your own way

And people keep on saying
That I belong in California
But I'm fine here
I'm fine here

Mirror lyrics:

I'm fine here
But I'm fine here
That I belong in California
And people keep on saying

Mmm your own way
Cause you could go about it
Don't listen to what they say

But I'm fine here
That I belong in California
And people keep on saying

The sky is blue and the air is clear
I like it here
Maybe a train or I'll just drive
I don't think that I could fly

But I'm fine here
That I belong in California
And people keep on saying

A one-way ticket to LA
Go about it the familiar way
Why don't do what anybody else would?

Relevant Tags:
SSo II'm TTold o 'm old oS 'Im oTld zo j'm fold zSo jI'm fTold Szo Ij'm Tfold wo 9'm 5old wSo 9I'm 5Told Swo I9'm T5old do l'm hold
dSo lI'm hTold Sdo Il'm Thold eo o'm yold eSo oI'm yTold Seo Io'm Tyold xo k'm 6old xSo kI'm 6Told Sxo Ik'm T6old ao 8'm gold aSo 8I'm gTold
Sao I8'm Tgold Soo u'm rold S uI'm rTold So Iu'm Trold Sk I''m Toold Sko Im Tld Sok Im' Tlod S9 I'mm Tkld S9o I' Tkold So9 I'm Tokld
S0 I'j T9ld S0o I'jm T9old So0 I'mj To9ld Sl I'k T0ld Slo I'km T0old Sol I'mk To0ld

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