Lee Ann Womack
Make Memories With Me

Make memories with me
Make memories with me
Forget the one who might have been
And the one who used to be
Darlin' I've got love
And you've got love
And love is all we need
Oh, oh baby make memories with me

Let me hold you closer than
You've been held before
Let love take us higher than the stars
Ask me for forever
I'll give you even more
Just let me be the keeper of your heart


Mirror lyrics:


Just let me be the keeper of your heart
I'll give you even more
Ask me for forever
Let love take us higher than the stars
You've been held before
Let me hold you closer than

Oh, oh baby make memories with me
And love is all we need
And you've got love
Darlin' I've got love
And the one who used to be
Forget the one who might have been
Make memories with me
Make memories with me

Relevant Tags:
MMake MMemories WWith MMe ake emories ith e aMke eMmories iWth eM jake jemories aith je jMake jMemories aWith jMe Mjake Mjemories Waith Mje
kake kemories 3ith ke kMake kMemories 3With kMe Mkake Mkemories W3ith Mke nake nemories dith ne nMake nMemories dWith nMe Mnake Mnemories Wdith Mne
Maake Meemories eith Mee Mke Mmories eWith M Mkae Mmeories Weith Me Mzke Msmories sith Ms Mzake Msemories sWith Mse Mazke Mesmories Wsith Mes
Mqke M3mories 2ith M3 Mqake M3emories 2With M3e Maqke Me3mories W2ith Me3 Mske Mfmories qith Mf Msake Mfemories qWith Mfe Maske Mefmories Wqith Mef
Mwke Mrmories Wiith Mr Mwake Mremories Wth Mre Mawke Mermories Wtih Mer Mxke M4mories Wjth M4 Mxake M4emories Wjith M4e Maxke Me4mories Wijth Me4
Makke Mdmories W9th Md Mae Mdemories W9ith Mde Maek Medmories Wi9th Med Male Mwmories Wlth Mw Malke Mwemories Wlith Mwe Makle Mewmories Wilth Mew
Maoe Memmories Woth Maoke Meories Woith Makoe Meomries Wioth Mame Mejories Wkth Mamke Mejmories Wkith Makme Memjories Wikth
Maje Mekories W8th Majke Mekmories W8ith Makje Memkories Wi8th Maie Menories Wuth Maike Menmories Wuith Makie Memnories Wiuth
Makee Memoories Witth Mak Memries Wih Make Memroies Wiht Maks Memkries Wifh Makse Wifth Makes Memokries Witfh
Mak3 Mem9ries Wi5h Mak3e Mem9ories Wi5th Make3 Memo9ries Wit5h Makf Mem0ries Wihh Makfe Mem0ories Wihth Makef Memo0ries Withh
Makr Memlries Wiyh Makre Memlories Wiyth Maker Memolries Wityh Mak4 Memiries Wi6h Mak4e Memiories Wi6th Make4 Memoiries Wit6h
Makd Memorries Wigh Makde Memoies Wigth Maked Memoires Witgh Makw Memodies Wirh Makwe Memodries Wirth Makew Memordies Witrh
Memo4ies Memo4ries Wit Memor4ies With Memogies Witj Memogries Witjh

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