Lee Ann Womack
Mendocino County Line (and Willie Nelson)

Counted the stars on the 4th of July
Wishing they were rockets bursting into the sky
Talking about redemption and leaving things behind
As the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line

As fierce as Monday morning feeling washed away
Our orchestrated paradise couldn't make you stay
You dance with the horses through the sands of time
As the sun sinks west of the Mendocino County Line

I have these pictures and I keep these photographs
To remind me of a time
These pictures and these photographs
Let me know I'm doin' fine
I used to make you happy once upon a time
But the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line

The two of us together felt nothin' but right
Feeling near immortal every Friday night
Lost in our convictions lips stained with wine
As the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line

I have these pictures and I keep these photographs
To remind me of a time
These pictures and these photographs
Let me know I'm doin' fine
I used to make you happy once upon a time
But the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line

I don't talk to you too much these days
I just thank the Lord pictures don't fade
I spent time with an angel just passing through
Now all that's left is this image of you

Counted the stars on the 4th of July
Wishing we were rockets bursting in the sky
Talking about redemption and leaving things behind

I have these pictures and I keep these photographs
To remind me of a time
These pictures and these photographs
Let me know I'm doin' fine
We used to be so happy once upon a time
Once upon a time
But the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
And the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line

Mirror lyrics:

And the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
But the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
Once upon a time
We used to be so happy once upon a time
Let me know I'm doin' fine
These pictures and these photographs
To remind me of a time
I have these pictures and I keep these photographs

Talking about redemption and leaving things behind
Wishing we were rockets bursting in the sky
Counted the stars on the 4th of July

Now all that's left is this image of you
I spent time with an angel just passing through
I just thank the Lord pictures don't fade
I don't talk to you too much these days

But the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
I used to make you happy once upon a time
Let me know I'm doin' fine
These pictures and these photographs
To remind me of a time
I have these pictures and I keep these photographs

As the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
Lost in our convictions lips stained with wine
Feeling near immortal every Friday night
The two of us together felt nothin' but right

But the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
I used to make you happy once upon a time
Let me know I'm doin' fine
These pictures and these photographs
To remind me of a time
I have these pictures and I keep these photographs

As the sun sinks west of the Mendocino County Line
You dance with the horses through the sands of time
Our orchestrated paradise couldn't make you stay
As fierce as Monday morning feeling washed away

As the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
Talking about redemption and leaving things behind
Wishing they were rockets bursting into the sky
Counted the stars on the 4th of July

Relevant Tags:
MMendocino CCounty LLine ((and WWillie NNelson) endocino ounty ine and illie elson) eMndocino oCunty iLne a(nd iWllie eNlson)
jendocino founty kine (aand aillie melson) jMendocino fCounty kLine (nd aWillie mNelson) Mjendocino Cfounty Lkine (nad Waillie Nmelson)
kendocino xounty oine (znd 3illie helson) kMendocino xCounty oLine (zand 3Willie hNelson) Mkendocino Cxounty Loine (aznd W3illie Nhelson)
nendocino vounty pine (qnd dillie jelson) nMendocino vCounty pLine (qand dWillie jNelson) Mnendocino Cvounty Lpine (aqnd Wdillie Njelson)
Meendocino dounty Liine (snd eillie belson) Mndocino dCounty Lne (sand eWillie bNelson) Mnedocino Cdounty Lnie (asnd Weillie Nbelson)
Msndocino Coounty Ljne (wnd sillie Neelson) Msendocino Cunty Ljine (wand sWillie Nlson) Mesndocino Cuonty Lijne (awnd Wsillie Nleson)
M3ndocino Ckunty L9ne (xnd 2illie Nslson) M3endocino Ckounty L9ine (xand 2Willie Nselson) Me3ndocino Cokunty Li9ne (axnd W2illie Neslson)
Mfndocino C9unty Llne (annd qillie N3lson) Mfendocino C9ounty Lline (ad qWillie N3elson) Mefndocino Co9unty Lilne (adn Wqillie Ne3lson)
Mrndocino C0unty Lone (amd Wiillie Nflson) Mrendocino C0ounty (amnd Wllie Nfelson) Merndocino Co0unty Lione (anmd Wlilie Neflson)
M4ndocino Clunty Lkne (ahd Wjllie Nrlson) M4endocino Clounty (ahnd Wjillie Nrelson) Me4ndocino Colunty Likne (anhd Wijllie Nerlson)
Mdndocino Ciunty L8ne (ajd W9llie N4lson) Mdendocino Ciounty L8ine (ajnd W9illie N4elson) Medndocino Coiunty Li8ne (anjd Wi9llie Ne4lson)
Mwndocino Couunty Lune (abd Wlllie Ndlson) Mwendocino Conty Luine (abnd Wlillie Ndelson) Mewndocino Conuty Liune (anbd Willlie Nedlson)
Menndocino Cohnty Linne (andd Wollie Nwlson) Medocino Cohunty Lie (an Woillie Nwelson) Mednocino Couhnty Lien (and Wiollie Newlson)
Memdocino Co7nty Lime (anx Wkllie Nellson) Memndocino Co7unty Limne (anxd Wkillie Neson) Menmdocino Cou7nty Linme (andx Wikllie Neslon)
Mehdocino Coknty Lihe (ane W8llie Nekson) Mehndocino Lihne (aned W8illie Neklson) Menhdocino Couknty Linhe (ande Wi8llie Nelkson)
Mejdocino Cointy Lije (anf Wullie Neoson) Mejndocino (anfd Wuillie Neolson) Menjdocino Couinty Linje (andf Wiullie Neloson)
Mebdocino Co8nty Libe (anr Nepson) Mebndocino Co8unty Libne (anrd Wilie Neplson) Menbdocino Cou8nty Linbe (andr Willie Nelpson)
Menddocino Cojnty Linee (anc Wiklie Nelsson) Menocino Cojunty Lin (ancd Nelon) Menodcino Coujnty Line (andc Wilklie Nelosn)
Menxocino Coynty Lins (ans Wiolie Nelzon) Menxdocino Coyunty Linse (ansd Nelzson) Mendxocino Couynty Lines (ands Wilolie Nelszon)
Meneocino Counnty Lin3 Wiplie Nelwon) Menedocino Couty Lin3e Wipllie Nelwson) Mendeocino Coutny Line3 Wilplie Nelswon)
Menfocino Coumty Linf Neldon) Menfdocino Coumnty Linfe Neldson) Mendfocino Counmty Linef Wilile Nelsdon)
Menrocino Couhty Linr Wilkie Neleon) Menrdocino Linre Neleson) Mendrocino Counhty Liner Willkie Nelseon)
Mencocino Coujty Lin4 Wiloie Nelxon) Mencdocino Lin4e Nelxson) Mendcocino Counjty Line4 Willoie Nelsxon)
Mensocino Coubty Lind Wilpie Nelaon) Mensdocino Coubnty Linde Nelason) Mendsocino Counbty Lined Willpie Nelsaon)
Mendoocino Countty Linw Williie Nelsoon) Mendcino Couny Linwe Wille Nelsn) Mendcoino Counyt Linew Willei Nelsno)
Mendkcino Counfy Willje Nelskn) Mendkocino Counfty Willjie Nelskon) Mendokcino Countfy Willije Nelsokn)
Mend9cino Coun5y Will9e Nels9n) Mend9ocino Coun5ty Will9ie Nels9on) Mendo9cino Count5y Willi9e Nelso9n)

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