Lee Ann Womack
Finding My Way Home

I've been hurrying, I've been worrying
I've running against the wind
I've been betting my soul on a long shot roll
That a good man never wins
I've been tossing and I've been turning
I've been burning it at both ends
I've been seeing myself in the rearview
And I don't like where I've been

So I'm taking my time
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
And loving every minute of it
Just enjoying the ride
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Finding my way back, home

I've tooling along the two lane
I got off of the interstate
I've been going too fast, I got off on the gas
I've been learning the charm of the brake
I've been rolling down all the windows
And letting the world rush in
The smell of the grass and the fields that I pass
And the sun dance on my skin

So I'm taking my time
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
And loving every minute of it
Just enjoying the ride
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Finding my way back

(instrumental break)

I'm taking my time
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
And loving every minute of it
I'm taking my time
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
And loving every minute of it
Just enjoying the ride
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Finding my way back, home
I'm finding my way back, home

Mirror lyrics:

I'm finding my way back, home
Finding my way back, home
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Just enjoying the ride
And loving every minute of it
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
I'm taking my time
And loving every minute of it
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
I'm taking my time

(instrumental break)

Finding my way back
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Just enjoying the ride
And loving every minute of it
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
So I'm taking my time

And the sun dance on my skin
The smell of the grass and the fields that I pass
And letting the world rush in
I've been rolling down all the windows
I've been learning the charm of the brake
I've been going too fast, I got off on the gas
I got off of the interstate
I've tooling along the two lane

Finding my way back, home
Slowly and soulfully feeling the wheels unwind
Just enjoying the ride
And loving every minute of it
Holding and hoping and driving and dreaming
So I'm taking my time

And I don't like where I've been
I've been seeing myself in the rearview
I've been burning it at both ends
I've been tossing and I've been turning
That a good man never wins
I've been betting my soul on a long shot roll
I've running against the wind
I've been hurrying, I've been worrying

Relevant Tags:
FFinding MMy WWay HHome inding y ay ome iFnding yM aWy oHme cinding jy aay jome cFinding jMy aWay jHome Fcinding Mjy Waay Hjome
rinding ky 3ay uome rFinding kMy 3Way uHome Frinding Mky W3ay Huome ginding ny day nome gFinding nMy dWay nHome Fginding Mny Wday Hnome
tinding Myy eay bome tFinding M eWay bHome Ftinding My Weay Hbome vinding Mg say gome vFinding Mgy sWay gHome Fvinding Myg Wsay Hgome
dinding Mh 2ay yome dFinding Mhy 2Way yHome Fdinding Myh W2ay Hyome Fiinding M6 qay Hoome Fnding M6y qWay Hme Fniding My6 Wqay Hmoe
Fjnding Mu Hkme Fjinding Muy Wy Hkome Fijnding Myu Wya Hokme F9nding M7 Wzy H9me F9inding M7y Wzay H9ome Fi9nding My7 Wazy Ho9me
Flnding Mj Wqy H0me Flinding H0ome Filnding Myj Waqy Ho0me Fonding Mt Wsy Hlme Foinding Mty Hlome Fionding Myt Wasy Holme
Fknding Wwy Hime Fkinding Wway Hiome Fiknding Wawy Hoime F8nding Wxy Homme F8inding Wxay Hoe Fi8nding Waxy Hoem
Funding Wayy Hoje Fuinding Wa Hojme Fiunding Way Homje Finnding Wag Hoke Fiding Wagy Fidning Wayg Homke
Fimding Wah Hone Fimnding Wahy Honme Finmding Wayh Homne Fihding Wa6 Homee Fihnding Wa6y Hom Finhding Way6 Home
Fijding Wau Homs Wauy Homse Finjding Wayu Homes Fibding Wa7 Hom3 Fibnding Wa7y Hom3e Finbding Way7 Home3
Findding Waj Homf Fining Wajy Homfe Finidng Wayj Homef Finxing Wat Homr Finxding Waty Homre Findxing Wayt Homer
Fineing Hom4 Fineding Hom4e Findeing Home4

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