Lee Ann Womack
Am I The Only Thing You've Done Wrong

You're the life of the party
You stand out in a crowd
When I think of all the things you've done
It always makes me proud
But tonight I'm feeling empty
It seems I'm always here alone
Am I the only thing you've done wrong

Am I the only one that you've forgotten on the way
To gain the world and lose our love
Is to high a price to pay
In your long line of successes
Tell me where do I belong
Am I the only thing you've done wrong

You got another big promotion
You're the best man on the crew
When you set your mind on something
There's nothing you can't do
This house you built is perfect
We're the envy of the town
But Lord it's lonley here when you're not around

Am I the only one that you've forgotten on the way
To gain the world and lose our love
Is to high a price to pay
In your long line of successes
Tell me where do I belong
Am I the only thing you've done wrong

Oh am I the only thing you've done wrong

Mirror lyrics:

Oh am I the only thing you've done wrong

Am I the only thing you've done wrong
Tell me where do I belong
In your long line of successes
Is to high a price to pay
To gain the world and lose our love
Am I the only one that you've forgotten on the way

But Lord it's lonley here when you're not around
We're the envy of the town
This house you built is perfect
There's nothing you can't do
When you set your mind on something
You're the best man on the crew
You got another big promotion

Am I the only thing you've done wrong
Tell me where do I belong
In your long line of successes
Is to high a price to pay
To gain the world and lose our love
Am I the only one that you've forgotten on the way

Am I the only thing you've done wrong
It seems I'm always here alone
But tonight I'm feeling empty
It always makes me proud
When I think of all the things you've done
You stand out in a crowd
You're the life of the party

Relevant Tags:
AAm II TThe OOnly TThing YYou've DDone WWrong m he nly hing ou've one rong mA I hTe nOly hTing oYu've oDne rWong
zm j fhe knly fhing gou've xone arong zAm jI fThe kOnly fThing gYou've xDone aWrong Azm Ij Tfhe Oknly Tfhing Ygou've Dxone Warong
qm 9 5he 9nly 5hing hou've eone 3rong qAm 9I 5The 9Only 5Thing hYou've eDone 3Wrong Aqm I9 T5he O9nly T5hing Yhou've Deone W3rong
sm l hhe 0nly hhing 6ou've fone drong sAm lI hThe 0Only hThing 6You've fDone dWrong Asm Il Thhe O0nly Thhing Y6ou've Dfone Wdrong
wm o yhe lnly yhing uou've rone erong wAm oI yThe lOnly yThing uYou've rDone eWrong Awm Io Tyhe Olnly Tyhing Yuou've Drone Werong
xm k 6he inly 6hing 7ou've cone srong xAm kI 6The iOnly 6Thing 7You've cDone sWrong Axm Ik T6he Oinly T6hing Y7ou've Dcone Wsrong
Amm 8 ghe Onnly ghing jou've sone 2rong A 8I gThe Oly gThing jYou've sDone 2Wrong Am I8 Tghe Olny Tghing Yjou've Dsone W2rong
Aj u rhe Omly rhing tou've Doone qrong Ajm uI rThe Omnly rThing tYou've Dne qWrong Amj Iu Trhe Onmly Trhing Ytou've Dnoe Wqrong
Ak Ohly Yoou've Dkne Wrrong Akm Te Ohnly Ting Yu've Dkone Wong Amk Teh Onhly Tihng Yuo've Dokne Worng
An Tje Ojly Tjing Yku've D9ne Wdong Anm Tjhe Ojnly Tjhing Ykou've D9one Amn Thje Onjly Thjing Yoku've Do9ne Wrdong
Tue Obly Tuing Y9u've D0ne W4ong Tuhe Obnly Tuhing Y9ou've D0one W4rong Thue Onbly Thuing Yo9u've Do0ne Wr4ong
Tne Onlly Tning Y0u've Dlne Wgong Tnhe Ony Tnhing Y0ou've Dlone Wgrong Thne Onyl Thning Yo0u've Dolne Wrgong
Tbe Onky Tbing Ylu've Dine Wtong Tbhe Onkly Tbhing Ylou've Dione Wtrong Thbe Onlky Thbing Yolu've Doine Wrtong
Tge Onoy Tging Yiu've Donne W5ong Onoly Yiou've Doe W5rong Thge Onloy Thging Yoiu've Doen Wr5ong
Tye Onpy Tying Youu've Dome Wfong Onply Yo've Domne Wfrong Thye Onlpy Thying Yo'uve Donme Wrfong
Thee Onlyy Thiing Yoh've Dohe Weong Th Onl Thng Yohu've Dohne The Only Thnig Youh've Donhe Wreong
Ths Onlg Thjng Yo7've Doje Wroong Thse Onlgy Yo7u've Dojne Wrng Thes Onlyg Thijng You7've Donje Wrnog
Th3 Onlh Th9ng Yok've Dobe Wrkng Th3e Onlhy Th9ing Dobne Wrkong

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