Wind In Your Sail

It's negative
I wish you the worst dear
to feel the greatest pain
A positive
you say it's all in vain
you know i felt
and i won't feel again
I know you..
hours of madness
years of dysfunction
the deepest embitterment
no will to strive or achieve
finally in breakdown
perpetual fall on your knees
as you crawl back to me...
it ends like this
i can hope for bliss
if you fail again
cause i'm right here
to witness every step
and when you trip
i will cherish it
hours of madness
years of dysfunction
the deepest embitterment
no will to strive or achieve
finally in breakdown
perpetual fall on your knees
as you crawl back to me...
i live to watch you fail
i live to watch you fail
i live to watch you fail
i am the wind in your sail
i wish you the worst dear
to feel the greatest pain
cause i'm right here
to retrieve all you stole
every tear
and everything you own
and i wish you
hours of madness
years of dysfunction
the deepest embitterment,
no will to trust anyone
this is how i live
this is how you left me blue
as i crawl back to...

Mirror lyrics:

as i crawl back to...
this is how you left me blue
this is how i live
no will to trust anyone
the deepest embitterment,
years of dysfunction
hours of madness
and i wish you
and everything you own
every tear
to retrieve all you stole
cause i'm right here
to feel the greatest pain
i wish you the worst dear
i am the wind in your sail
i live to watch you fail
i live to watch you fail
i live to watch you fail
as you crawl back to me...
perpetual fall on your knees
finally in breakdown
no will to strive or achieve
the deepest embitterment
years of dysfunction
hours of madness
i will cherish it
and when you trip
to witness every step
cause i'm right here
if you fail again
i can hope for bliss
it ends like this
as you crawl back to me...
perpetual fall on your knees
finally in breakdown
no will to strive or achieve
the deepest embitterment
years of dysfunction
hours of madness
I know you..
and i won't feel again
you know i felt
you say it's all in vain
A positive
to feel the greatest pain
I wish you the worst dear
It's negative

Relevant Tags:
WWind IIn YYour SSail ind n our ail iWnd nI oYur aSil aind jn gour zail aWind jIn gYour zSail Waind Ijn Ygour Szail
3ind 9n hour wail 3Wind 9In hYour wSail W3ind I9n Yhour Swail dind ln 6our dail dWind lIn 6Your dSail Wdind Iln Y6our Sdail
eind on uour eail eWind oIn uYour eSail Weind Ion Yuour Seail sind kn 7our xail sWind kIn 7Your xSail Wsind Ikn Y7our Sxail
2ind 8n jour aail 2Wind 8In jYour aSail W2ind I8n Yjour Saail qind un tour qWind uIn tYour Sil Wqind Iun Ytour Sial
Wiind Inn Yoour Szil Wnd I Yur Wnid In Yuor Sazil Wjnd Im Ykur Sqil Wjind Imn Ykour Sqail Wijnd Inm Yokur Saqil
W9nd Ih Y9ur Ssil W9ind Ihn Y9our Ssail Wi9nd Inh Yo9ur Sasil Wlnd Ij Y0ur Swil Wlind Y0our Wilnd Inj Yo0ur Sawil
Wond Ib Ylur Sxil Woind Ibn Ylour Wiond Inb Yolur Saxil Wknd Yiur Saiil Wkind Yiour Sal Wiknd Yoiur Sali
W8nd Youur Sajl W8ind Yor Sajil

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