Crazy World

Sick of all that we have to be in this life
Gimme all that you have
Gimme what you like
Waiting here for a fool to begin his life
And you, you try to remember
Flipping coins from a tin
Till he feels the night
And you, you try to remember

We're part of a
We're part of a
We're part of a
A crazy world

Gimme time to reflect
Gimme all we know
Holding hands on the street
Where the lights are low
You and me wanting more
But we'll never know
And you, you try to remember
What it means in a world
Where it's never slow
And you, you try to remember

We're part of a
We're part of a
We're part of a
A crazy world

Gimme all that you have
Gimme what you like
Waiting here for a fool to begin his life
And you, you try to remember
Flipping coins from a tin
Till he feels the night
And you, you try to remember

We're part of a
We're part of a
We're part of a
A crazy world

Mirror lyrics:

A crazy world
We're part of a
We're part of a
We're part of a

And you, you try to remember
Till he feels the night
Flipping coins from a tin
And you, you try to remember
Waiting here for a fool to begin his life
Gimme what you like
Gimme all that you have

A crazy world
We're part of a
We're part of a
We're part of a

And you, you try to remember
Where it's never slow
What it means in a world
And you, you try to remember
But we'll never know
You and me wanting more
Where the lights are low
Holding hands on the street
Gimme all we know
Gimme time to reflect

A crazy world
We're part of a
We're part of a
We're part of a

And you, you try to remember
Till he feels the night
Flipping coins from a tin
And you, you try to remember
Waiting here for a fool to begin his life
Gimme what you like
Gimme all that you have
Sick of all that we have to be in this life

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