Amidst The Gray

It's 4am and I don't need any other reason
Than the sight of my breath
And the sound of my heart beating,
Oh it's colder than they said it'd be today.

But that's the weather for you and life's like that,
Forecasting sunny skies and then taking it back,
You know the world ain't black and white,
But I can't live amidst the gray.

So I'm off into the night,
Trying to fight my way against this daylight,
Cause I don't need permission
From the sun to start my day.

I've got no where else to go,
But one thing I've got to know -
Is there something that I'm missing,
Something that I've lost amidst the gray.

It seems that these dreams will only come to an end
If I come to believe that I've got to defend
This vision I've been living,
And the life I want to lead.

We've got this obsession with material things
As if heaven is ours if we're buying our wings.
But fall to your knees and show me
What you've got's just what I need.

So I'm off into the night,
Trying to fight my way against this daylight,
Cause I don't need permission
From the sun to start my day.

I've got no where else to go,
But one thing I've got to know -
Is there something that I'm missing,
Something that I've lost amidst the gray.

I want to be somebody better than I am,
I want to see more than the edge of this town.
I want to run like hell, I've got things to tell this world,
So here I go and I'm not coming down.

So maybe you're just fine
Living on your knees,
Or maybe you've been feeling
The same as me.

Cause I've got all these questions,
But it's the answers I can't find.
So I won't sit here waiting,
Gonna leave it all behind.

I want to be somebody better than I am,
I want to see more than the edge of this town.
I want to run like hell, I've got things to tell this world,
So here I go and I'm not coming down.

Mirror lyrics:

So here I go and I'm not coming down.
I want to run like hell, I've got things to tell this world,
I want to see more than the edge of this town.
I want to be somebody better than I am,

Gonna leave it all behind.
So I won't sit here waiting,
But it's the answers I can't find.
Cause I've got all these questions,

The same as me.
Or maybe you've been feeling
Living on your knees,
So maybe you're just fine

So here I go and I'm not coming down.
I want to run like hell, I've got things to tell this world,
I want to see more than the edge of this town.
I want to be somebody better than I am,

Something that I've lost amidst the gray.
Is there something that I'm missing,
But one thing I've got to know -
I've got no where else to go,

From the sun to start my day.
Cause I don't need permission
Trying to fight my way against this daylight,
So I'm off into the night,

What you've got's just what I need.
But fall to your knees and show me
As if heaven is ours if we're buying our wings.
We've got this obsession with material things

And the life I want to lead.
This vision I've been living,
If I come to believe that I've got to defend
It seems that these dreams will only come to an end

Something that I've lost amidst the gray.
Is there something that I'm missing,
But one thing I've got to know -
I've got no where else to go,

From the sun to start my day.
Cause I don't need permission
Trying to fight my way against this daylight,
So I'm off into the night,

But I can't live amidst the gray.
You know the world ain't black and white,
Forecasting sunny skies and then taking it back,
But that's the weather for you and life's like that,

Oh it's colder than they said it'd be today.
And the sound of my heart beating,
Than the sight of my breath
It's 4am and I don't need any other reason

Relevant Tags:
AAmidst TThe GGray midst he ray mAidst hTe rGay zmidst fhe hray zAmidst fThe hGray Azmidst Tfhe Ghray qmidst 5he yray
qAmidst 5The yGray Aqmidst T5he Gyray smidst hhe bray sAmidst hThe bGray Asmidst Thhe Gbray wmidst yhe vray wAmidst yThe vGray
Awmidst Tyhe Gvray xmidst 6he fray xAmidst 6The fGray Axmidst T6he Gfray Ammidst ghe tray Aidst gThe tGray Aimdst Tghe Gtray
Ajidst rhe Grray Ajmidst rThe Gay Amjidst Trhe Gary Akidst Gday Akmidst Te Gdray Amkidst Teh Grday Anidst Tje G4ay
Anmidst Tjhe G4ray Amnidst Thje Gr4ay Amiidst Tue Ggay Amdst Tuhe Ggray Amdist Thue Grgay Amjdst Tne Gtay Tnhe
Amijdst Thne Grtay Am9dst Tbe G5ay Am9idst Tbhe G5ray Ami9dst Thbe Gr5ay Amldst Tge Gfay Amlidst Amildst Thge Grfay
Amodst Tye Geay Amoidst Geray Amiodst Thye Greay Amkdst Thee Graay Th Gry Amikdst The Grya Am8dst Ths Grzy
Am8idst Thse Grzay Ami8dst Thes Grazy Amudst Th3 Grqy Amuidst Th3e Grqay Amiudst The3 Graqy Amiddst Thf Grsy Amist Thfe Grsay
Amisdt Thef Grasy

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