Landon Hughes

The rain doesn't want to change
Nor do I this time
This time

The storm comes and goes
No one knows
Which way the rain falls down

I've come to grips that I can't
Always get what I want
And I've taken time to realize
You better live in the moment because

Mirror lyrics:

You better live in the moment because
And I've taken time to realize
Always get what I want
I've come to grips that I can't

Which way the rain falls down
No one knows
The storm comes and goes

This time
Nor do I this time
The rain doesn't want to change

Relevant Tags:
RRain ain aRin dain dRain Rdain 4ain 4Rain R4ain gain gRain
Rgain tain tRain Rtain 5ain 5Rain R5ain fain fRain Rfain eain
eRain Reain Raain Rin Rian Rzin Rzain Razin Rqin Rqain Raqin
Rsin Rsain Rasin Rwin Rwain Rawin Rxin

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