L'ame Immortelle
Another Day

As I sit along the shore
Of my wishes and my dreams
My Pride lies scattered on the floor
With the fading sunlight beams

My thoughts embraced by nothingness
mindwaves passing by so slow
I long for your tender caress
As innocent as young fresh snow

As the silence fades away
I gather strength for another day
Another Day I've to go through
Another day here, without you X2

To flee from my addiction
I go out, to seek the voices
That speak an empty benediction
Of hollow words and empty choices

But these words, they keep me sane
Until the moment you return
Where I let go of all the pain
Free of anger and concern

As the silence fades away
I gather strength for another day
Another Day I've to go through
Another day here, without you X2

When I hold you in my arms
The silence, that I did evade
Turns into voices screaming joy
And my pain to rest is laid

And I feel your warmth and love
As it into me doth flow
I come to only one conclusion
I will never let you go

Mirror lyrics:

I will never let you go
I come to only one conclusion
As it into me doth flow
And I feel your warmth and love

And my pain to rest is laid
Turns into voices screaming joy
The silence, that I did evade
When I hold you in my arms

Another day here, without you X2
Another Day I've to go through
I gather strength for another day
As the silence fades away

Free of anger and concern
Where I let go of all the pain
Until the moment you return
But these words, they keep me sane

Of hollow words and empty choices
That speak an empty benediction
I go out, to seek the voices
To flee from my addiction

Another day here, without you X2
Another Day I've to go through
I gather strength for another day
As the silence fades away

As innocent as young fresh snow
I long for your tender caress
mindwaves passing by so slow
My thoughts embraced by nothingness

With the fading sunlight beams
My Pride lies scattered on the floor
Of my wishes and my dreams
As I sit along the shore

Relevant Tags:
AAnother DDay nother ay nAother aDy znother xay zAnother xDay Aznother Dxay qnother eay qAnother eDay Aqnother Deay snother fay
sAnother fDay Asnother Dfay wnother ray wAnother rDay Awnother Dray xnother cay xAnother cDay Axnother Dcay Annother say Aother sDay
Aonther Dsay Amother Daay Amnother Dy Anmother Dya Ahother Dzy Ahnother Dzay Anhother Dazy Ajother Dqy Ajnother Dqay Anjother Daqy
Abother Dsy Abnother Anbother Dasy Anoother Dwy Anther Dway Antoher Dawy Ankther Dxy Ankother Anokther Daxy An9ther Dayy
An9other Da Ano9ther Day An0ther Dag An0other Dagy Ano0ther Dayg Anlther Dah Anlother Dahy Anolther Dayh Anither Da6 Aniother Da6y
Anoither Day6 Anotther Dau Anoher Dauy Anohter Dayu Anofher Da7 Anofther Da7y Anotfher Day7 Ano5her Daj Ano5ther Dajy Anot5her Dayj
Anohher Dat Anohther Daty Anothher Dayt Anoyher Anoyther Anotyher Ano6her Ano6ther

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