Lari White
Groove With Me Baby

(Lari White - Chuck Cannon - Jeff Steele)

I woke up this morning and I started thinkin' about you
The way you smile the way you laugh the way you smell
The way you do that thing you do
And I, I, I got to thinkin' maybe we could get together
You know, hang out, spend a little time
You know maybe we might hit it off
We might like cook.

We might find out we were made for each other
We might end up walkin' down the aisle
And settin' up a little house
And you know havin' little children runnin' around
And gettin' old with each other
And I can see the whole thing.

Groove with me baby all night long
Groove with me baby the groove is so strong
Groove with me baby we're doin' no wrong
Tell me can't you see all that we could be, oh hey.

Sometimes I can't help myself my mind just starts to wander
My imagination just goes crazy and I start thinkin' about
Man we could have so much love that it would just kind of overflow
And run down the street and all over the whole world.

And before too long everybody would be in love
And theydd be groovin' on each other and diggin' each other
And there wouldn't be no more fightin' and everybody would get along
And can't you see it, can't you just, come on, ah.

Groove with me baby all night long
Groove with me baby the groove is so strong
Groove with me baby we're doin' no wrong
Tell me can't you see all that we could be, oh hey.

Let your imagination go boy you never know, oh hey...

Mirror lyrics:

Let your imagination go boy you never know, oh hey...

Tell me can't you see all that we could be, oh hey.
Groove with me baby we're doin' no wrong
Groove with me baby the groove is so strong
Groove with me baby all night long

And can't you see it, can't you just, come on, ah.
And there wouldn't be no more fightin' and everybody would get along
And theydd be groovin' on each other and diggin' each other
And before too long everybody would be in love

And run down the street and all over the whole world.
Man we could have so much love that it would just kind of overflow
My imagination just goes crazy and I start thinkin' about
Sometimes I can't help myself my mind just starts to wander

Tell me can't you see all that we could be, oh hey.
Groove with me baby we're doin' no wrong
Groove with me baby the groove is so strong
Groove with me baby all night long

And I can see the whole thing.
And gettin' old with each other
And you know havin' little children runnin' around
And settin' up a little house
We might end up walkin' down the aisle
We might find out we were made for each other

We might like cook.
You know maybe we might hit it off
You know, hang out, spend a little time
And I, I, I got to thinkin' maybe we could get together
The way you do that thing you do
The way you smile the way you laugh the way you smell
I woke up this morning and I started thinkin' about you

(Lari White - Chuck Cannon - Jeff Steele)

Relevant Tags:
GGroove WWith MMe BBaby roove ith e aby rGoove iWth eM aBby hroove aith je vaby hGroove aWith jMe vBaby Ghroove Waith Mje Bvaby
yroove 3ith ke gaby yGroove 3With kMe gBaby Gyroove W3ith Mke Bgaby broove dith ne naby bGroove dWith nMe nBaby Gbroove Wdith Mne Bnaby
vroove eith Mee haby vGroove eWith M hBaby Gvroove Weith Me Bhaby froove sith Ms Baaby fGroove sWith Mse Bby Gfroove Wsith Mes Bbay
troove 2ith M3 Bzby tGroove 2With M3e Bzaby Gtroove W2ith Me3 Bazby Grroove qith Mf Bqby Goove qWith Mfe Bqaby Gorove Wqith Mef Baqby
Gdoove Wiith Mr Bsby Gdroove Wth Mre Bsaby Grdoove Wtih Mer Basby G4oove Wjth M4 Bwby G4roove Wjith M4e Bwaby Gr4oove Wijth Me4 Bawby
Ggoove W9th Md Bxby Ggroove W9ith Mde Bxaby Grgoove Wi9th Med Baxby Gtoove Wlth Mw Babby Wlith Mwe Bay Grtoove Wilth Mew Bayb
G5oove Woth Bavy G5roove Woith Bavby Gr5oove Wioth Babvy Gfoove Wkth Bagy Wkith Bagby Grfoove Wikth Babgy
Geoove W8th Bany Geroove W8ith Banby Greoove Wi8th Babny Grooove Wuth Bahy Grove Wuith Bahby Groove Wiuth Babhy
Grkove Witth Babyy Grkoove Wih Bab Grokove Wiht Baby Gr9ove Wifh Babg Gr9oove Wifth Gro9ove Witfh Babyg
Gr0ove Wi5h Babh

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