Larger Than Life
Our Ten Year

I'm holding out for twilight
The time between our highlights
We wait for something better
To come along and

Pick us up when we're down
Constantly and I've found
The one thing that can save me
I already have

That's the start of our show
You've been waiting heavy hearted too long
And the faster we go
The less I can hold on
So like a new child I'll sit and watch you with wishful eye's
That's the start of our show
We'll take this one slow

The score is now 10/02/01 (ten to one)
The day that I said I'm done
And ripping your heart outright
Was not what I had in mind

You'll find me standing right there
Waiting at our 10 year
I hope time doesn't change you
But I pray that it fixes me

I know
I can break through
When my bitter heart hit my un-kept mind
That's when I lost touch with you

Mirror lyrics:

That's when I lost touch with you
When my bitter heart hit my un-kept mind
I can break through
I know

But I pray that it fixes me
I hope time doesn't change you
Waiting at our 10 year
You'll find me standing right there

Was not what I had in mind
And ripping your heart outright
The day that I said I'm done
The score is now 10/02/01 (ten to one)

We'll take this one slow
That's the start of our show
So like a new child I'll sit and watch you with wishful eye's
The less I can hold on
And the faster we go
You've been waiting heavy hearted too long
That's the start of our show

I already have
The one thing that can save me
Constantly and I've found
Pick us up when we're down

To come along and
We wait for something better
The time between our highlights
I'm holding out for twilight

Relevant Tags:
OOur TTen YYear ur en ear uOr eTn eYar kur fen gear kOur fTen gYear Okur Tfen Ygear 9ur 5en hear 9Our 5Ten hYear O9ur T5en Yhear
0ur hen 6ear 0Our hTen 6Year O0ur Then Y6ear lur yen uear lOur yTen uYear Olur Tyen Yuear iur 6en 7ear iOur 6Ten 7Year Oiur T6en Y7ear
Ouur gen jear Or gTen jYear Oru Tgen Yjear Ohr ren tear Ohur rTen tYear Ouhr Tren Ytear O7r Teen Yeear O7ur Tn Yar Ou7r Tne Yaer
Okr Tsn Ysar Tsen Ysear Oukr Tesn Yesar Oir T3n Y3ar T3en Y3ear Ouir Te3n Ye3ar O8r Tfn Yfar O8ur Yfear Ou8r Tefn Yefar
Ojr Trn Yrar Ojur Yrear Oujr Tern Yerar Oyr T4n Y4ar Oyur T4en Y4ear Ouyr Te4n Ye4ar Ourr Tdn Ydar Ou Tden Ydear

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