Laura Turner

I'm half with half a heart,
and half a mind when we're apart,
when you're here with me,
I'm complete,

My heart had been,
so uninspired,
but left a lot to be desired,
when you're here with me,
I'm complete,

You're the half that makes me whole,
The missing piece, my second soul,
Your love is all I need,
baby when I'm with you..
can't you see,
I catch my breath,
I lose my cool,
Watch my heart break every rule,
Cause whne you're here with me,
I'm complete

You're the half that makes me whole, (my second soul)
The missing piece, my second soul (I am complete)
Youre love is all I need,
Baby when I'm with you,
can't you see,
I'm satisfied,
My heart's content,
Now my world makes perfect sense,
Cause when you're here with me,
I'm complete,

When you're here with me,
I'm complete,

Mirror lyrics:

I'm complete,
When you're here with me,

I'm complete,
Cause when you're here with me,
Now my world makes perfect sense,
My heart's content,
I'm satisfied,
can't you see,
Baby when I'm with you,
Youre love is all I need,
The missing piece, my second soul (I am complete)
You're the half that makes me whole, (my second soul)

I'm complete
Cause whne you're here with me,
Watch my heart break every rule,
I lose my cool,
I catch my breath,
can't you see,
baby when I'm with you..
Your love is all I need,
The missing piece, my second soul,
You're the half that makes me whole,

I'm complete,
when you're here with me,
but left a lot to be desired,
so uninspired,
My heart had been,

I'm complete,
when you're here with me,
and half a mind when we're apart,
I'm half with half a heart,

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C9omplete Co9mplete C0mplete C0omplete Co0mplete Clmplete Clomplete Colmplete Cimplete Ciomplete Coimplete
Commplete Coplete Copmlete Cojplete Cojmplete Comjplete Cokplete Comkplete Conplete Conmplete Comnplete
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