L.l. Cool J
Like A Radio (feat. Ryan Leslie)

Ever since I spied you
In the rooms of my mind
Now I can't deny you
Bleeding and bruised
Like a vagabond in rags
I've walked the streets to your door
To find just what's in store
I see you
You and many others
In your clean well-lighted place
Where I would find disgrace
But I do
Know I'd find contentment
Just to be your furniture
I need nothing more
In the thick of the night
Take me out of the cold
Let me sing inside
Like a radio
In the thick of the night
Before we grow too old
Let me sing inside
Like a radio
Shivering and cold
This night's condusive
To a flight into my soul
But I stand here
Though my heart grows bold
Once on the inside
I can quietly persist
And hold my tears
In the thick of the night
Take me out of the cold
Let me sing inside
Like a radio
In the thick of the night
Before we grow too old
Let me sing inside
Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio
And so still I wait
Though I grow much weaker
No, no, no, I will not faint
I'll stay true
Believe me when I say
I'd climb to heaven,
Crawl beneath the lowest hell
To stay near you
In the thick of the night
Take me out of the cold
Let me sing inside
Like a radio
In the thick of the night
Before we grow too old
Let me sing inside
Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio

Mirror lyrics:

Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio
Let me sing inside
Before we grow too old
In the thick of the night
Like a radio
Let me sing inside
Take me out of the cold
In the thick of the night
To stay near you
Crawl beneath the lowest hell
I'd climb to heaven,
Believe me when I say
I'll stay true
No, no, no, I will not faint
Though I grow much weaker
And so still I wait
Like a radio
Like a radio
Like a radio
Let me sing inside
Before we grow too old
In the thick of the night
Like a radio
Let me sing inside
Take me out of the cold
In the thick of the night
And hold my tears
I can quietly persist
Once on the inside
Though my heart grows bold
But I stand here
To a flight into my soul
This night's condusive
Shivering and cold
Like a radio
Let me sing inside
Before we grow too old
In the thick of the night
Like a radio
Let me sing inside
Take me out of the cold
In the thick of the night
I need nothing more
Just to be your furniture
Know I'd find contentment
But I do
Where I would find disgrace
In your clean well-lighted place
You and many others
I see you
To find just what's in store
I've walked the streets to your door
Like a vagabond in rags
Bleeding and bruised
Now I can't deny you
In the rooms of my mind
Ever since I spied you

Relevant Tags:
LLike AA RRadio ((feat. RRyan LLeslie) ike adio feat. yan eslie) iLke A aRdio f(eat. yRan eLslie) kike z dadio (ffeat. dyan keslie) kLike zA dRadio (eat. dRyan kLeslie)
Lkike Az Rdadio (efat. Rdyan Lkeslie) oike q 4adio (ceat. 4yan oeslie) oLike qA 4Radio (cfeat. 4Ryan oLeslie) Loike Aq R4adio (fceat. R4yan Loeslie) pike s gadio (reat. gyan peslie)
pLike sA gRadio (rfeat. gRyan pLeslie) Lpike As Rgadio (freat. Rgyan Lpeslie) Liike w tadio (geat. tyan Leeslie) Lke wA tRadio (gfeat. tRyan Lslie) Lkie Aw Rtadio (fgeat. Rtyan Lselie)
Ljke x 5adio (teat. 5yan Lsslie) Ljike xA 5Radio (tfeat. 5Ryan Lseslie) Lijke Ax R5adio (fteat. R5yan Lesslie) L9ke fadio (veat. fyan L3slie) L9ike fRadio (vfeat. fRyan L3eslie)
Li9ke Rfadio (fveat. Rfyan Le3slie) Llke eadio (deat. eyan Lfslie) Llike eRadio (dfeat. eRyan Lfeslie) Lilke Readio (fdeat. Reyan Lefslie) Loke Raadio (feeat. Ryyan Lrslie)
Rdio (fat. Ran Lreslie) Lioke Rdaio (faet. Rayn Lerslie) Lkke Rzdio (fsat. Rgan L4slie) Rzadio (fseat. L4eslie) Likke Razdio (fesat. Rygan Le4slie)
L8ke Rqdio (f3at. Rhan Ldslie) L8ike Rqadio (f3eat. Rhyan Ldeslie) Li8ke Raqdio (fe3at. Ryhan Ledslie) Luke Rsdio (ffat. R6an Lwslie) Luike Rsadio R6yan Lweslie)
Liuke Rasdio (fefat. Ry6an Lewslie) Rwdio (frat. Ruan Lie Rwadio Ruyan Lelie) Liek Rawdio (ferat. Ryuan Lelsie) Lile Rxdio (f4at. R7an Lezlie)
Rxadio (f4eat. R7yan Lezslie) Likle Raxdio (fe4at. Ry7an Leszlie) Lioe Raddio (fdat. Rjan Lewlie) Raio Rjyan Likoe Raido (fedat. Ryjan Leswlie)
Lime Raxio (fwat. Rtan Ledlie) Limke (fweat. Likme Radxio (fewat. Rytan Lesdlie) Lije Raeio (feaat. Ryaan Leelie) Raedio (fet. Ryn
Likje Radeio (feta. Ryna Leselie) Liie Rafio (fezt. Ryzn Lexlie) Rafdio (fezat. Ryzan Lexslie) Likie Radfio (feazt. Ryazn Lesxlie) Likee Rario (feqt. Ryqn Lealie)
Lik Rardio (feqat. Ryqan Leaslie) Like Radrio (feaqt. Ryaqn Lesalie)

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