L.a. Guns
I Wanna Be Your Man

See me coming down the road
Down the road
I'm coming down 4 u
Standing by the end of the line
What u gonna do
Intuition can't u see
Mistreator got the shake on me
Fire and water rollin' dice
I'm gonna get u
No matter the price
I'm a hard man fight
I'm an easy man 2 please
Baby don't u mess with me
Cause u couldn't take the heat
I wanna be your man
I wanna be your lover baby
I wanna be your man
No complication let me explain
I'll take u higher than an airplane
Look in the mirror
What do I see
I see the devil
And he's looking at me

Mirror lyrics:

And he's looking at me
I see the devil
What do I see
Look in the mirror
I'll take u higher than an airplane
No complication let me explain
I wanna be your man
I wanna be your lover baby
I wanna be your man
Cause u couldn't take the heat
Baby don't u mess with me
I'm an easy man 2 please
I'm a hard man fight
No matter the price
I'm gonna get u
Fire and water rollin' dice
Mistreator got the shake on me
Intuition can't u see
What u gonna do
Standing by the end of the line
I'm coming down 4 u
Down the road
See me coming down the road

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna BBe YYour MMan anna e our an I aWnna eB oYur aMn j aanna ve gour jan jI aWanna vBe gYour jMan Ij Waanna Bve Ygour Mjan
9 3anna ge hour kan 9I 3Wanna gBe hYour kMan I9 W3anna Bge Yhour Mkan l danna ne 6our nan lI dWanna nBe 6Your nMan Il Wdanna Bne Y6our Mnan
o eanna he uour Maan oI eWanna hBe uYour Mn Io Weanna Bhe Yuour Mna k sanna Bee 7our Mzn kI sWanna B 7Your Mzan Ik Wsanna Be Y7our Mazn
8 2anna Bs jour Mqn 8I 2Wanna Bse jYour Mqan I8 W2anna Bes Yjour Maqn u qanna B3 tour Msn uI qWanna B3e tYour Msan Iu Wqanna Be3 Ytour Masn
Bf Yoour Mwn Wnna Bfe Yur Mwan Wnana Bef Yuor Mawn Wznna Br Ykur Mxn Wzanna Bre Ykour Mxan Waznna Ber Yokur Maxn
Wqnna B4 Y9ur Mann B4e Y9our Ma Waqnna Be4 Yo9ur Man Wsnna Bd Y0ur Mam Bde Y0our Mamn Wasnna Bed Yo0ur Manm
Wwnna Bw Ylur Mah Wwanna Bwe Ylour Mahn Wawnna Bew Yolur Manh Wxnna Yiur Maj Wxanna Yiour Majn Waxnna Yoiur Manj
Wannna Youur Mab Wana Yor Mabn

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