Kylie Minogue
Where Is The Feeling

But where is the feeling?
The feeling of security
When we're not together
Tell me everythings gonna be alright
It's just no use, can't get over you

Anytime you want me to
I can make you happy (I can make you happy)
There ain't nothing I wouldn't do (anytime)
To make you happy

Tell me Im crazy
Maybe since you've been gone
They don't understand that together
Together we're one


Anytime you want me to
I can make you happy (I can make you happy)
There ain't nothing I wouldn't do (anytime)
To make you happy

When we're not together
Tell me everything's gonna be alright

Anytime you want me to
I can make you happy (I can make you happy)
There ain't nothing I wouldn't do (anytime)
To make you happy

Anytime. I'll make you happy
Oooh hey yeah, I'll make you happy
Ooh, I'll make you happy
Ooh ooh yeh, there ain't nothing
I wouldn't do, yeah oh oh oh ooh ooh
Aah, hey yeah, oooh, yeah yeah yeah
I'll make you happy, ooh yeah, ow ow ow ow
Oh yeah I will, oh yeah I will

Mirror lyrics:

Oh yeah I will, oh yeah I will
I'll make you happy, ooh yeah, ow ow ow ow
Aah, hey yeah, oooh, yeah yeah yeah
I wouldn't do, yeah oh oh oh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh yeh, there ain't nothing
Ooh, I'll make you happy
Oooh hey yeah, I'll make you happy
Anytime. I'll make you happy

To make you happy
There ain't nothing I wouldn't do (anytime)
I can make you happy (I can make you happy)
Anytime you want me to

Tell me everything's gonna be alright
When we're not together

To make you happy
There ain't nothing I wouldn't do (anytime)
I can make you happy (I can make you happy)
Anytime you want me to


Together we're one
They don't understand that together
Maybe since you've been gone
Tell me Im crazy

To make you happy
There ain't nothing I wouldn't do (anytime)
I can make you happy (I can make you happy)
Anytime you want me to

It's just no use, can't get over you
Tell me everythings gonna be alright
When we're not together
The feeling of security
But where is the feeling?

Relevant Tags:
WWhere IIs TThe FFeeling here s he eeling hWere sI hTe eFeling ahere js fhe ceeling aWhere jIs fThe cFeeling Wahere Ijs Tfhe Fceeling
3here 9s 5he reeling 3Where 9Is 5The rFeeling W3here I9s T5he Freeling dhere ls hhe geeling dWhere lIs hThe gFeeling Wdhere Ils Thhe Fgeeling
ehere os yhe teeling eWhere oIs yThe tFeeling Wehere Ios Tyhe Fteeling shere ks 6he veeling sWhere kIs 6The vFeeling Wshere Iks T6he Fveeling
2here 8s ghe deeling 2Where 8Is gThe dFeeling W2here I8s Tghe Fdeeling qhere us rhe Feeeling qWhere uIs rThe Feling Wqhere Ius Trhe Feeling
Whhere Iss Fseling Were I Te Fseeling Wehre Is Teh Feseling Wjere Iz Tje F3eling Wjhere Izs Tjhe F3eeling Whjere Isz Thje Fe3eling
Wuere Iw Tue Ffeling Wuhere Iws Tuhe Ffeeling Whuere Isw Thue Fefeling Wnere Id Tne Freling Wnhere Ids Tnhe Whnere Isd Thne Fereling
Wbere Ie Tbe F4eling Wbhere Ies Tbhe F4eeling Whbere Ise Thbe Fe4eling Wgere Ix Tge Fdeling Wghere Ixs Whgere Isx Thge Fedeling
Wyere Ia Tye Fweling Wyhere Ias Fweeling Whyere Isa Thye Feweling Wheere Thee Whre Th Whree The Feleing
Whsre Ths Fesling Whsere Thse Whesre Thes Feesling Wh3re Th3 Fe3ling Wh3ere Th3e Whe3re The3 Fee3ling
Whfre Thf Fefling Whfere Thfe Whefre Thef Feefling Whrre Thr Ferling Whrere Thre Wherre Ther Feerling
Wh4re Th4 Fe4ling Wh4ere Th4e

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