Dive In Open Waters

Free - I wanna be just me.... You cannot
Out - From any race or truth.... You cannot

Thinking with someone else's brain is no use but
They want us deaf and blind.... So deaf and blind

Dive in open waters
No more chains surround your arms now
Be yourself with no compromise

Dreaming - With open eyes is nice.... You cannot
Say - no to every lie they say.... You cannot

Living with someone else's face is no use but
They need us deaf and blind.... So deaf and blind

Dive in open waters
No more chains surround your arms now
Be yourself with no compromise

Mirror lyrics:

Be yourself with no compromise
No more chains surround your arms now
Dive in open waters

They need us deaf and blind.... So deaf and blind
Living with someone else's face is no use but

Say - no to every lie they say.... You cannot
Dreaming - With open eyes is nice.... You cannot

Be yourself with no compromise
No more chains surround your arms now
Dive in open waters

They want us deaf and blind.... So deaf and blind
Thinking with someone else's brain is no use but

Out - From any race or truth.... You cannot
Free - I wanna be just me.... You cannot

Relevant Tags:
DDive IIn OOpen WWaters ive n pen aters iDve nI pOen aWters xive jn kpen aaters xDive jIn kOpen aWaters Dxive Ijn Okpen Waaters
eive 9n 9pen 3aters eDive 9In 9Open 3Waters Deive I9n O9pen W3aters five ln 0pen daters fDive lIn 0Open dWaters Dfive Iln O0pen Wdaters
rive on lpen eaters rDive oIn lOpen eWaters Drive Ion Olpen Weaters cive kn ipen saters cDive kIn iOpen sWaters Dcive Ikn Oipen Wsaters
sive 8n Oppen 2aters sDive 8In Oen 2Waters Dsive I8n Oepn W2aters Diive un O0en qaters Dve uIn qWaters Dvie Iun Op0en Wqaters
Djve Inn Olen Djive I Wters Dijve In Oplen Wtaers D9ve Im Ooen Wzters D9ive Imn Oopen Wzaters Di9ve Inm Opoen Wazters
Dlve Ih Opeen Wqters Dlive Ihn Opn Dilve Inh Opne Waqters Dove Ij Opsn Wsters Doive Opsen Diove Inj Opesn Wasters
Dkve Ib Op3n Wwters Dkive Ibn Op3en Wwaters Dikve Inb Ope3n Wawters D8ve Opfn Wxters D8ive Opfen Wxaters Di8ve Opefn Waxters
Duve Oprn Watters Duive Opren Waers Diuve Opern Waetrs Divve Op4n Wafers Die Op4en Wafters Diev Ope4n Watfers
Dibe Opdn Wa5ers Dibve Opden Wa5ters Divbe Opedn Wat5ers Dice Opwn Wahers Dicve Opwen Wahters Divce Opewn Wathers
Dige Openn Wayers Digve Ope Wayters Divge Open Watyers Dife Opem Wa6ers Difve Opemn Wa6ters Divfe Openm Wat6ers
Divee Opeh Wagers Div Opehn Wagters

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