My Gods

My gods seem to need some time off
These instant prayes seem to be too much
for them to take

I ask for more than life can give.
These crimes are too big to forgive

My darling needed some fresh air
These unsteady eyes were just too much to bear
despite her love and care

My darling told med to change or go away
You should only know how hard I've tried
Still I failed

My darling tolf me to change or leave
Sorry there's no magic up my sleeve
that could help us out of this

I'll leave

Mirror lyrics:

I'll leave

that could help us out of this
Sorry there's no magic up my sleeve
My darling tolf me to change or leave

Still I failed
You should only know how hard I've tried
My darling told med to change or go away

despite her love and care
These unsteady eyes were just too much to bear
My darling needed some fresh air

These crimes are too big to forgive
I ask for more than life can give.

for them to take
These instant prayes seem to be too much
My gods seem to need some time off

Relevant Tags:
MMy GGods y ods yM oGds jy hods jMy hGods Mjy Ghods ky yods kMy yGods Mky Gyods ny bods nMy bGods
Mny Gbods Myy vods M vGods My Gvods Mg fods Mgy fGods Myg Gfods Mh tods Mhy tGods Myh Gtods M6 Goods
M6y Gds My6 Gdos Mu Gkds Muy Gkods Myu Gokds M7 G9ds M7y G9ods My7 Go9ds Mj G0ds G0ods Myj Go0ds
Mt Glds Mty Glods Myt Golds Gids Giods Goids

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