La Toya Jackson
Piano Man

I see your fingers flying up and down
Skillfully you play your tunes
Everything you do is wonderful
Everything has got mood
You hold your future in your hands
(In your hands)

Every night you work until the dawn
You play piano all night long
After work you write your songs at home
And they sound so strong
Yes, you've got your future in your hands
And I believe you'll make it, piano man

You still play "Reet Petite"
Or "Driver's Seat"
Sometimes "Funky Town"
"Upside Down"

But your time will come, piano man
You've got your future in your hands
In your hands
(In your hands)

I know it's such a long, long way to go
But never ever give it up
If you only keep it goin' strong
You'll gonna hit the town

Yes, you've got your future in your hands
And I believe you'll make it, piano man

You still play "Reet Petite"
Or "Driver's Seat"
Sometimes "Funky Town"
"Upside Down"

But your time will come, piano man
You've got your future in your hands
In your hands

"Funky Town"
"Upside Down"

But your time will come, piano man

Mirror lyrics:

But your time will come, piano man

"Upside Down"
"Funky Town"

In your hands
You've got your future in your hands
But your time will come, piano man

"Upside Down"
Sometimes "Funky Town"
Or "Driver's Seat"
You still play "Reet Petite"

And I believe you'll make it, piano man
Yes, you've got your future in your hands

You'll gonna hit the town
If you only keep it goin' strong
But never ever give it up
I know it's such a long, long way to go

(In your hands)
In your hands
You've got your future in your hands
But your time will come, piano man

"Upside Down"
Sometimes "Funky Town"
Or "Driver's Seat"
You still play "Reet Petite"

And I believe you'll make it, piano man
Yes, you've got your future in your hands
And they sound so strong
After work you write your songs at home
You play piano all night long
Every night you work until the dawn

(In your hands)
You hold your future in your hands
Everything has got mood
Everything you do is wonderful
Skillfully you play your tunes
I see your fingers flying up and down

Relevant Tags:
PPiano MMan iano an iPano aMn 0iano jan 0Piano jMan P0iano Mjan liano kan lPiano kMan Pliano Mkan oiano nan oPiano nMan
Poiano Mnan Piiano Maan Pano Mn Paino Mna Pjano Mzn Pjiano Mzan Pijano Mazn P9ano Mqn P9iano Mqan Pi9ano Maqn Plano Msn
Msan Pilano Masn Poano Mwn Mwan Pioano Mawn Pkano Mxn Pkiano Mxan Pikano Maxn P8ano Mann P8iano Ma Pi8ano Man
Puano Mam Puiano Mamn Piuano Manm Piaano Mah Pino Mahn Pinao Manh Pizno Maj Pizano Majn Piazno Manj Piqno Mab

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