Lemon Demon
Sun Beam Light Show Flower Seed

Diablo raises an eyebrow,

strawberry milkshake in hand.

I try my best to distract myself,

but he really wants to be in the band.

Can he play the drums, or the clarinet,

electric xylophone, or better yet,

the euphonium or the clockwork flute?

He's just standing there in a business suit.

Angels on the left side, demons on the right.

Never in the dark, never in the light.

Center of the sunbeam light show flower seed.

This is all have, this is all I need

Original synergized molecules.

Revolving electrified power tools.

The end of the world on April Fool's Day.

What have you done to my necktie?

You tied it up in a knot.

This is the final mistake you'll make.

You think you're misunderstood, but you're not.

Got a show tonight, but tomorrow you're out.

Someone call me up a talent scout.

Better yet, just usher that Diablo back.

Give him a guitar, paint it with a Union Jack

Lemons on the left side, demons on the right.

Never in the dark, never in the light.

Center of the sunbeam light show flower seed.

This is all have, this is all I need.

Life in the chair at the hair salon.

Taking the time to reflect upon

some things that are too difficult to convey.

Ooh, original synergized molecules.

Revolving electrified power tools.

The end of the world on April Fool's Day.

Mirror lyrics:

The end of the world on April Fool's Day.

Revolving electrified power tools.

Ooh, original synergized molecules.

some things that are too difficult to convey.

Taking the time to reflect upon

Life in the chair at the hair salon.

This is all have, this is all I need.

Center of the sunbeam light show flower seed.

Never in the dark, never in the light.

Lemons on the left side, demons on the right.

Give him a guitar, paint it with a Union Jack

Better yet, just usher that Diablo back.

Someone call me up a talent scout.

Got a show tonight, but tomorrow you're out.

You think you're misunderstood, but you're not.

This is the final mistake you'll make.

You tied it up in a knot.

What have you done to my necktie?

The end of the world on April Fool's Day.

Revolving electrified power tools.

Original synergized molecules.

This is all have, this is all I need

Center of the sunbeam light show flower seed.

Never in the dark, never in the light.

Angels on the left side, demons on the right.

He's just standing there in a business suit.

the euphonium or the clockwork flute?

electric xylophone, or better yet,

Can he play the drums, or the clarinet,

but he really wants to be in the band.

I try my best to distract myself,

strawberry milkshake in hand.

Diablo raises an eyebrow,

Relevant Tags:
SSun BBeam LLight SShow FFlower SSeed un eam ight how lower eed uSn eBam iLght hSow lFower eSed zun veam kight zhow clower zeed zSun vBeam kLight zShow cFlower zSeed
Szun Bveam Lkight Szhow Fclower Szeed wun geam oight whow rlower weed wSun gBeam oLight wShow rFlower wSeed Swun Bgeam Loight Swhow Frlower Sweed dun neam pight dhow glower deed
dSun nBeam pLight dShow gFlower dSeed Sdun Bneam Lpight Sdhow Fglower Sdeed eun heam Liight ehow tlower eeed eSun hBeam Lght eShow tFlower eSeed Seun Bheam Lgiht Sehow Ftlower Seeed
xun Beeam Ljght xhow vlower xeed xSun Bam Ljight xShow vFlower xSeed Sxun Baem Lijght Sxhow Fvlower Sxeed aun Bsam L9ght ahow dlower aeed aSun Bseam L9ight aShow dFlower aSeed
Saun Besam Li9ght Sahow Fdlower Saeed Suun B3am Llght Shhow Fllower Sn B3eam Llight Sow Fower Sed Snu Be3am Lilght Sohw Folwer Seed Shn Bfam Loght Sjow Fkower Ssed
Shun Bfeam Sjhow Fklower Sseed Suhn Befam Lioght Shjow Flkower Sesed S7n Bram Lkght Suow Foower S3ed S7un Bream Suhow Folower S3eed Su7n Beram Likght Shuow Floower Se3ed
Skn B4am L8ght Snow Fpower Sfed Skun B4eam L8ight Snhow Fplower Sfeed Sukn Be4am Li8ght Shnow Flpower Sefed Sin Bdam Lught Sbow Sred Siun Bdeam Luight Sbhow Flwer Sreed
Suin Bedam Liught Shbow Flwoer Sered S8n Bwam Ligght Sgow Flkwer S4ed S8un Bweam Liht Sghow S4eed Su8n Bewam Lihgt Shgow Flokwer Se4ed Sjn Beaam Lihht Syow Fl9wer Sded
Sjun Bem Lihght Syhow Fl9ower Sujn Bema Lighht Shyow Flo9wer Seded Syn Bezm Liyht Shoow Fl0wer Swed Syun Bezam Liyght Shw Fl0ower Suyn Beazm Ligyht Shwo Flo0wer Sewed
Sunn Beqm Libht Shkw Fllwer Su Beqam Libght Shkow Sun Beaqm Ligbht Shokw Flolwer Sede Sum Besm Livht Sh9w Fliwer Sesd Sumn Livght Sh9ow Fliower
Sunm Beasm Ligvht Sho9w Floiwer Seesd Suh Bewm Lifht Sh0w Flowwer Se3d Lifght Sh0ow Floer Sunh Beawm Ligfht Sho0w Floewr See3d Suj Bexm Litht Shlw Floaer Sefd

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