Lemon Demon
Movie Night

It's movie movie movie night, down at the theater

Let's get some soda, I'd like a liter

I dun-I dun-I dunno what we should see

"The Osbournes Movie" or "Scooby Doo 3"

Let's see... Let's see...

Let's just see any old thing

I like to throw popcorn at people's heads

So, let's just see any old thing

There's lotsa lotsa lotsa films making lotsa revenue

"The Sixth Sense 2" got a pretty good review

Looking at the posters, and feeling kinda manic

I wanna see the preview for "Return of Titanic"

Let's see... Let's see...

Let's just see any old thing

I like to throw popcorn at people's heads

So, let's just see any old thing

Big budget action movies for guys

Chick flicks and dramadies for the ladies

Hollywood's rich and getting richer

But movies were better in the 80s

So what, what, what do we do with our money?

Should we see something scary?

Should be see something funny?

We could see Adam Sandler team up with Jackie Chan

but there is no way that I will pay

for any film that does not cater

to my miniscule attention span

So, let's just see any old thing

So, let's just see any old thing

Mirror lyrics:

So, let's just see any old thing

So, let's just see any old thing

to my miniscule attention span

for any film that does not cater

but there is no way that I will pay

We could see Adam Sandler team up with Jackie Chan

Should be see something funny?

Should we see something scary?

So what, what, what do we do with our money?

But movies were better in the 80s

Hollywood's rich and getting richer

Chick flicks and dramadies for the ladies

Big budget action movies for guys

So, let's just see any old thing

I like to throw popcorn at people's heads

Let's just see any old thing

Let's see... Let's see...

I wanna see the preview for "Return of Titanic"

Looking at the posters, and feeling kinda manic

"The Sixth Sense 2" got a pretty good review

There's lotsa lotsa lotsa films making lotsa revenue

So, let's just see any old thing

I like to throw popcorn at people's heads

Let's just see any old thing

Let's see... Let's see...

"The Osbournes Movie" or "Scooby Doo 3"

I dun-I dun-I dunno what we should see

Let's get some soda, I'd like a liter

It's movie movie movie night, down at the theater

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Mogvie Niht Movgie Nihgt Mofie Nihht Mofvie Nihght Movfie Nighht Moviie Niyht Move Niyght Movei Nigyht Movje Nibht

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