Lemon Demon
Amnesia Was Her Name

Amnesia was her name, she had beautiful eyes
and every word she said, it was a little surprise

can't remember when I realized I was in love, la-la-love
can't remember who it was I was thinking of
Oh my god... oh my god

the doctor said that I had tomato loss, all right
Dr. Amnesia was her name, she had beautiful eyes
we had spaghetti with long term memory sauce, all right
and every word she said, it was a little surprise

can't remember how she smiled when she said my name...
what's my name?
can't remember cause my heart jumped and hit my brain
C'est l'amour, et blessures

I guess she didn't know how treat me right

Because I can't recall where I slept that night
I can't recall that special way
she told me, each and every day, her name
I can't recall the fact that I always said I loved her back
the same way, every time the same

the doctor said that I had beautiful eyes, all right
Amnesia was her name, she had memory loss... no wait
and every word I said, it was a little surprising, all right
and every word she said didn't make it across

can't remember when we walked past the O.R. sign, surgery
can't remember passing out with her hand in mine, my-my-mind
I remember waking up with my mind repaired, a-okay
I remember when I realized she wasn't there

Mirror lyrics:

I remember when I realized she wasn't there
I remember waking up with my mind repaired, a-okay
can't remember passing out with her hand in mine, my-my-mind
can't remember when we walked past the O.R. sign, surgery

and every word she said didn't make it across
and every word I said, it was a little surprising, all right
Amnesia was her name, she had memory loss... no wait
the doctor said that I had beautiful eyes, all right

the same way, every time the same
I can't recall the fact that I always said I loved her back
she told me, each and every day, her name
I can't recall that special way
Because I can't recall where I slept that night

I guess she didn't know how treat me right

C'est l'amour, et blessures
can't remember cause my heart jumped and hit my brain
what's my name?
can't remember how she smiled when she said my name...

and every word she said, it was a little surprise
we had spaghetti with long term memory sauce, all right
Dr. Amnesia was her name, she had beautiful eyes
the doctor said that I had tomato loss, all right

Oh my god... oh my god
can't remember who it was I was thinking of
can't remember when I realized I was in love, la-la-love

and every word she said, it was a little surprise
Amnesia was her name, she had beautiful eyes

Relevant Tags:
AAmnesia WWas HHer NName mnesia as er ame mAnesia aWs eHr aNme zmnesia aas jer mame zAmnesia aWas jHer mName Azmnesia Waas Hjer Nmame
qmnesia 3as uer hame qAmnesia 3Was uHer hName Aqmnesia W3as Huer Nhame smnesia das ner jame sAmnesia dWas nHer jName Asmnesia Wdas Hner Njame
wmnesia eas ber bame wAmnesia eWas bHer bName Awmnesia Weas Hber Nbame xmnesia sas ger Naame xAmnesia sWas gHer Nme Axmnesia Wsas Hger Nmae
Ammnesia 2as yer Nzme Anesia 2Was yHer Nzame Anmesia W2as Hyer Nazme Ajnesia qas Heer Nqme Ajmnesia qWas Hr Nqame Amjnesia Wqas Hre Naqme
Aknesia Hsr Nsme Akmnesia Ws Hser Nsame Amknesia Wsa Hesr Nasme Annesia Wzs H3r Nwme Anmnesia Wzas H3er Nwame Amnnesia Wazs He3r Nawme
Wqs Hfr Nxme Amesia Hfer Nxame Amensia Waqs Hefr Naxme Ammesia Wss Hrr Namme Hrer Nae Amnmesia Wass Herr Naem
Amhesia Wws H4r Naje Amhnesia Wwas H4er Najme Amnhesia Waws He4r Namje Amjesia Wxs Hdr Nake Wxas Hder Nakme Amnjesia Waxs Hedr Namke
Ambesia Hwr Nane Ambnesia Wa Hwer Nanme Amnbesia Was Hewr Namne Amneesia Waz Namee Amnsia He Nam Amnseia Wasz Her Name
Amnssia Waw Hed Nams Amnsesia Namse Amnessia Wasw Herd Names Amn3sia Wad He4 Nam3 Amn3esia Wads Nam3e Amne3sia Wasd Her4 Name3
Amnfsia Wae Heg Namf Amnfesia Waes Hegr Namfe Amnefsia Wase Herg Namef Amnrsia Wax Het Namr Amnresia Hetr Namre Amnersia Wasx Hert Namer
Amn4sia Waa He5 Nam4 Amn4esia He5r Nam4e Amne4sia Wasa Her5 Name4

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