Someone Should Tell You

You call me up, in tears again
I come over
Your only friend
Put my arms around you
To stop this lonely night
You ask me to stay
But i don't think it's right

When you tell me you're in love with him
Don't you know that really caves me in
And i'm not that strong

Someone should tell you
How much i love you
Cos i really do
Wish i could hold you
The way that i want to
Cos no one, can love you, like i do

You're everything, that i ever dreamed
You're the only one
The only one for me
So we talk all night
But in my head
Three little words, that i never said

You say you don't know what you'd do without me
Don't you know that this is killing me
And i'm not that strong


When you tell me you're in love with him
Don't you know that really caves me in
And i'm not that strong
No i'm not that strong

[Chorus x2]

Mirror lyrics:

[Chorus x2]

No i'm not that strong
And i'm not that strong
Don't you know that really caves me in
When you tell me you're in love with him


And i'm not that strong
Don't you know that this is killing me
You say you don't know what you'd do without me

Three little words, that i never said
But in my head
So we talk all night
The only one for me
You're the only one
You're everything, that i ever dreamed

Cos no one, can love you, like i do
The way that i want to
Wish i could hold you
Cos i really do
How much i love you
Someone should tell you

And i'm not that strong
Don't you know that really caves me in
When you tell me you're in love with him

But i don't think it's right
You ask me to stay
To stop this lonely night
Put my arms around you
Your only friend
I come over
You call me up, in tears again

Relevant Tags:
SSomeone SShould TTell YYou omeone hould ell ou oSmeone hSould eTll oYu zomeone zhould fell gou zSomeone zShould fTell gYou Szomeone Szhould Tfell Ygou
womeone whould 5ell hou wSomeone wShould 5Tell hYou Swomeone Swhould T5ell Yhou domeone dhould hell 6ou dSomeone dShould hTell 6You Sdomeone Sdhould Thell Y6ou
eomeone ehould yell uou eSomeone eShould yTell uYou Seomeone Sehould Tyell Yuou xomeone xhould 6ell 7ou xSomeone xShould 6Tell 7You Sxomeone Sxhould T6ell Y7ou
aomeone ahould gell jou aSomeone aShould gTell jYou Saomeone Sahould Tgell Yjou Soomeone Shhould rell tou Smeone Sould rTell tYou Smoeone Sohuld Trell Ytou
Skmeone Sjould Teell Yoou Skomeone Sjhould Tll Yu Sokmeone Shjould Tlel Yuo S9meone Suould Tsll Yku S9omeone Suhould Tsell Ykou So9meone Shuould Tesll Yoku
S0meone Snould T3ll Y9u S0omeone Snhould T3ell Y9ou So0meone Shnould Te3ll Yo9u Slmeone Sbould Tfll Y0u Slomeone Sbhould Y0ou Solmeone Shbould Tefll Yo0u
Simeone Sgould Trll Ylu Siomeone Sghould Ylou Soimeone Shgould Terll Yolu Sommeone Syould T4ll Yiu Soeone Syhould T4ell Yiou Soemone Shyould Te4ll Yoiu
Sojeone Shoould Tdll Youu Sojmeone Shuld Tdell Yo Somjeone Shuold Tedll You Sokeone Shkuld Twll Yoh Shkould Twell Yohu Somkeone Shokuld Tewll Youh
Soneone Sh9uld Telll Yo7 Sonmeone Sh9ould Tel Yo7u Somneone Sho9uld Tell You7 Someeone Sh0uld Tekl Yok Somone Sh0ould Tekll Somoene Sho0uld Telkl Youk
Somsone Shluld Teol Yoi Somseone Shlould Teoll Somesone Sholuld Telol Youi Som3one Shiuld Tepl Yo8 Som3eone Shiould Tepll Yo8u Some3one Shoiuld Telpl You8
Somfone Shouuld Yoj Somfeone Shold Yoju Somefone Sholud Youj Somrone Shohld Telk Yoy Somreone Shohuld Yoyu Somerone Shouhld Tellk Youy

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