Leigh Nash
More Of It

I'm happy and at ease

With love as it has turned out to be now

You will be the man I like

Besides when all is said and is done with

And we will fly

Into a brand new sky

There's something in the air

I need it, I want more of it

A certain dive'll make it

But I don't, I'm loving it

I never hesitate to fall

I forget how much I want it, get all in

My dreams are getting used to you

I hope you don't get to use me and my dreaming

'Cause they will fade

Into brighter days

And there's something in the air

I need it, I want more of it

A certain dive'll make it

But I don't, I'm loving it

Maybe as long as we're together

Maybe this love is never over

You may stop your dreaming

There's something in the air

I need it, I want more of it

A certain dive'll make it

But I don't, I'm loving it

There's something in the air

I need it, I want more of it

A certain dive'll make it

But I don't, I'm loving it

Mirror lyrics:

But I don't, I'm loving it

A certain dive'll make it

I need it, I want more of it

There's something in the air

But I don't, I'm loving it

A certain dive'll make it

I need it, I want more of it

There's something in the air

You may stop your dreaming

Maybe this love is never over

Maybe as long as we're together

But I don't, I'm loving it

A certain dive'll make it

I need it, I want more of it

And there's something in the air

Into brighter days

'Cause they will fade

I hope you don't get to use me and my dreaming

My dreams are getting used to you

I forget how much I want it, get all in

I never hesitate to fall

But I don't, I'm loving it

A certain dive'll make it

I need it, I want more of it

There's something in the air

Into a brand new sky

And we will fly

Besides when all is said and is done with

You will be the man I like

With love as it has turned out to be now

I'm happy and at ease

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