Leigh Nash
Babe In The Straw

who is this child,
asleep in a manger?
the heaven's are bright
the stable's so cold
on this holy night,
have you come to redeem us?
little child in the straw
little child in the straw

who is this babe?
prince of the universe
a donkey is braying
angels are singing
the prophets did say
you would come to redeem the world
little child in the straw
save us all

and if we lose sight of your sweet face
at the birth of grace, at the birth of grace
light of truth shine like Bethlehem's star
lead us to where you are, show us who you are

merciful one
lover of every soul
the Father's own Son
yes, we believe,
you are able to heal us
Noel, noel,
save us all

save us tonight (repeat)

Mirror lyrics:

save us tonight (repeat)

save us all
Noel, noel,
you are able to heal us
yes, we believe,
the Father's own Son
lover of every soul
merciful one

lead us to where you are, show us who you are
light of truth shine like Bethlehem's star
at the birth of grace, at the birth of grace
and if we lose sight of your sweet face

save us all
little child in the straw
you would come to redeem the world
the prophets did say
angels are singing
a donkey is braying
prince of the universe
who is this babe?

little child in the straw
little child in the straw
have you come to redeem us?
on this holy night,
the stable's so cold
the heaven's are bright
asleep in a manger?
who is this child,

Relevant Tags:
BBabe IIn TThe SStraw abe n he traw aBbe nI hTe tSraw vabe jn fhe ztraw vBabe jIn fThe zStraw Bvabe Ijn Tfhe Sztraw
gabe 9n 5he wtraw gBabe 9In 5The wStraw Bgabe I9n T5he Swtraw nabe ln hhe dtraw nBabe lIn hThe dStraw Bnabe Iln Thhe Sdtraw
habe on yhe etraw hBabe oIn yThe eStraw Bhabe Ion Tyhe Setraw Baabe kn 6he xtraw Bbe kIn 6The xStraw Bbae Ikn T6he Sxtraw
Bzbe 8n ghe atraw Bzabe 8In gThe aStraw Bazbe I8n Tghe Satraw Bqbe un rhe Sttraw Bqabe uIn rThe Sraw Baqbe Iun Trhe Srtaw
Bsbe Inn Sfraw Bsabe I Te Sftraw Basbe In Teh Stfraw Bwbe Im Tje S5raw Bwabe Imn Tjhe S5traw Bawbe Inm Thje St5raw
Bxbe Ih Tue Shraw Bxabe Ihn Tuhe Shtraw Baxbe Inh Thue Sthraw Babbe Ij Tne Syraw Bae Tnhe Sytraw Baeb Inj Thne Styraw
Bave Ib Tbe S6raw Bavbe Ibn Tbhe S6traw Babve Inb Thbe St6raw Bage Tge Sgraw Bagbe Sgtraw Babge Thge Stgraw
Bane Tye Srraw Banbe Srtraw Babne Thye Strraw Bahe Thee Bahbe Th Staw Babhe The Starw
Babee Ths Stdaw Bab Thse Stdraw Babe Thes Strdaw

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