Ashes And The Stones

turn the ashes and the stones, back into a home, with your arms and teeth
turn the writing into ink, maybe then you think you'll stand up and see.
get back where you started from.
re-arrange your bones, put you back into the throne, relive those days.
blacken out the grays, to undo your age. who are you kidding? no one believes you.
get back where you started from
there must be so much more.
One foot in(words by fress)
run from harm,
run for cover,
one foot in,
you're standing in your grave.

Mirror lyrics:

you're standing in your grave.
one foot in,
run for cover,
run from harm,
One foot in(words by fress)
there must be so much more.
get back where you started from
blacken out the grays, to undo your age. who are you kidding? no one believes you.
re-arrange your bones, put you back into the throne, relive those days.
get back where you started from.
turn the writing into ink, maybe then you think you'll stand up and see.
turn the ashes and the stones, back into a home, with your arms and teeth

Relevant Tags:
AAshes AAnd TThe SStones shes nd he tones sAhes nAd hTe tSones zshes znd fhe ztones zAshes zAnd fThe zStones Azshes Aznd Tfhe Sztones
qshes qnd 5he wtones qAshes qAnd 5The wStones Aqshes Aqnd T5he Swtones sshes snd hhe dtones sAshes sAnd hThe dStones Asshes Asnd Thhe Sdtones
wshes wnd yhe etones wAshes wAnd yThe eStones Awshes Awnd Tyhe Setones xshes xnd 6he xtones xAshes xAnd 6The xStones Axshes Axnd T6he Sxtones
Annd ghe atones Ahes Ad gThe aStones Ahses Adn Tghe Satones Azhes Amd rhe Sttones Amnd rThe Sones Aszhes Anmd Trhe Sotnes
Awhes Ahd Sfones Ahnd Te Sftones Aswhes Anhd Teh Stfones Adhes Ajd Tje S5ones Adshes Ajnd Tjhe S5tones Asdhes Anjd Thje St5ones
Aehes Abd Tue Shones Aeshes Abnd Tuhe Shtones Asehes Anbd Thue Sthones Axhes Andd Tne Syones An Tnhe Sytones Asxhes And Thne Styones
Aahes Anx Tbe S6ones Aashes Anxd Tbhe S6tones Asahes Andx Thbe St6ones Ashhes Ane Tge Sgones Ases Aned Sgtones Asehs Ande Thge Stgones
Asjes Anf Tye Srones Asjhes Anfd Srtones Ashjes Andf Thye Strones Asues Anr Thee Stoones Asuhes Anrd Th Stnes Ashues Andr The Stnoes
Asnes Anc Ths Stknes Asnhes Ancd Thse Stkones Ashnes Andc Thes Stoknes Asbes Ans Th3 St9nes Asbhes Ansd Th3e St9ones Ashbes Ands The3 Sto9nes
Asges Thf St0nes Asghes Thfe St0ones Ashges Thef Sto0nes Asyes Thr Stlnes Asyhes Thre Stlones Ashyes Ther Stolnes

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