Lenny Kravitz
Take Time

You can have it if you really want
You can grasp it if you have the thought
Feel your power that is deep within
Are you ready? On your mark begin
We should take time out to really love
We should find out who we really are
We should take time out to really love
Do you feel your life's a big mistake?
Don't you hate the way it's all so fake?
All I wanna do is just be real
And get off of the spinning wheel
All they sell us is a pack of lies
And we're buying one in every size
Can't you see it in the children's eyes?
It's about to get wild
We should take time out to really love
We should find out who we really are
We should take time out to really love

Mirror lyrics:

We should take time out to really love
We should find out who we really are
We should take time out to really love
It's about to get wild
Can't you see it in the children's eyes?
And we're buying one in every size
All they sell us is a pack of lies
And get off of the spinning wheel
All I wanna do is just be real
Don't you hate the way it's all so fake?
Do you feel your life's a big mistake?
We should take time out to really love
We should find out who we really are
We should take time out to really love
Are you ready? On your mark begin
Feel your power that is deep within
You can grasp it if you have the thought
You can have it if you really want

Relevant Tags:
TTake TTime ake ime aTke iTme fake fime fTake fTime Tfake Tfime 5ake 5ime 5Take 5Time T5ake T5ime hake hime hTake hTime
Thake Thime yake yime yTake yTime Tyake Tyime 6ake 6ime 6Take 6Time T6ake T6ime gake gime gTake gTime Tgake Tgime rake rime
rTake rTime Trake Trime Taake Tiime Tke Tme Tkae Tmie Tzke Tjme Tzake Tjime Tazke Tijme Tqke T9me Tqake T9ime Taqke Ti9me
Tske Tlme Tsake Tlime Taske Tilme Twke Tome Twake Toime Tawke Tiome Txke Tkme Txake Tkime Taxke Tikme

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