Lenny Kravitz
A New Door

I can see that look in your eyes
You're in need of something you can't find
You're tired of holding on to the pain
You haven't got the strength to hold the reigns
You are out of lane

I know you can't take it
I know you can't take it anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't fake it anymore
Now it's time for you to open a new door

You fool yourself when you live a lie
You spend all of your time getting high
But drunken nights won't bury your fears
All the drinks you had just turned to tears
For too many years

I know you can't take it
I know you can't take it anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't fake it anymore
Now it's time for you to open a new door

When you think that nobody cares
Close your eyes and know that God is there
And if you reach out He'll do the same
Just ask for what you need in Jesus name
Don't be ashamed

I know you can't take it
I know you can't take it anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't fake it anymore
Now it's time for you to open a new door

Now it's time for you to open a new door

Mirror lyrics:

Now it's time for you to open a new door

Now it's time for you to open a new door
I know you can't fake it anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't take it anymore
I know you can't take it

Don't be ashamed
Just ask for what you need in Jesus name
And if you reach out He'll do the same
Close your eyes and know that God is there
When you think that nobody cares

Now it's time for you to open a new door
I know you can't fake it anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't take it anymore
I know you can't take it

For too many years
All the drinks you had just turned to tears
But drunken nights won't bury your fears
You spend all of your time getting high
You fool yourself when you live a lie

Now it's time for you to open a new door
I know you can't fake it anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't take it anymore
I know you can't take it

You are out of lane
You haven't got the strength to hold the reigns
You're tired of holding on to the pain
You're in need of something you can't find
I can see that look in your eyes

Relevant Tags:
AA NNew DDoor ew oor A eNw oDor z mew xoor zA mNew xDoor Az Nmew Dxoor q hew eoor qA hNew eDoor Aq Nhew Deoor s jew foor sA jNew fDoor
As Njew Dfoor w bew roor wA bNew rDoor Aw Nbew Droor x Neew coor xA Nw cDoor Ax Nwe Dcoor Nsw soor Nsew sDoor Nesw Dsoor N3w Dooor
N3ew Dor Ne3w Door Nfw Dkor Nfew Dkoor Nefw Dokor Nrw D9or Nrew D9oor Nerw Do9or N4w D0or N4ew D0oor Ne4w Do0or
Ndw Dlor Ndew Dloor Nedw Dolor Nww Dior

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