What You're Saying

I'm sorry for loving
Even sorry I cared
I'm sorry for trying
Something I shouldn't dare
I'm sorry for crying
That's the last thing you want to hear
I'm sorry for living
Too far and too near

And I don't care what you're saying
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't see what you're proving
By walking out that door

I sit here alone now
With no one around
I remember a future
But I still hear the sound
Of you saying goodbye
And me thinking it's not for long
Now I'm wondering where
Did I go wrong

And I don't care what you're saying
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't see what you're proving
By walking out that door

And I can't hold the love tonight
It's too cold to feel
And I can't see the reason why
I'm still here

And I don't care what you're saying
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't see what you're proving
By walking out that door

And I don't care what you're saying
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't see what you're proving
By walking out that door

Mirror lyrics:

By walking out that door
And I don't see what you're proving
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't care what you're saying

By walking out that door
And I don't see what you're proving
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't care what you're saying

I'm still here
And I can't see the reason why
It's too cold to feel
And I can't hold the love tonight

By walking out that door
And I don't see what you're proving
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't care what you're saying

Did I go wrong
Now I'm wondering where
And me thinking it's not for long
Of you saying goodbye
But I still hear the sound
I remember a future
With no one around
I sit here alone now

By walking out that door
And I don't see what you're proving
Those aren't my words anymore
And I don't care what you're saying

Too far and too near
I'm sorry for living
That's the last thing you want to hear
I'm sorry for crying
Something I shouldn't dare
I'm sorry for trying
Even sorry I cared
I'm sorry for loving

Relevant Tags:
WWhat YYou're SSaying hat ou're aying hWat oYu're aSying ahat gou're zaying aWhat gYou're zSaying Wahat Ygou're Szaying
3hat hou're waying 3What hYou're wSaying W3hat Yhou're Swaying dhat 6ou're daying dWhat 6You're dSaying Wdhat Y6ou're Sdaying
ehat uou're eaying eWhat uYou're eSaying Wehat Yuou're Seaying shat 7ou're xaying sWhat 7You're xSaying Wshat Y7ou're Sxaying
2hat jou're aaying 2What jYou're aSaying W2hat Yjou're Saaying qhat tou're qWhat tYou're Sying Wqhat Ytou're Syaing
Whhat Yoou're Szying Wat Yu're Waht Yuo're Sazying Wjat Yku're Sqying Wjhat Ykou're Sqaying Whjat Yoku're Saqying
Wuat Y9u're Ssying Wuhat Y9ou're Ssaying Whuat Yo9u're Sasying Wnat Y0u're Swying Wnhat Y0ou're Whnat Yo0u're Sawying
Wbat Ylu're Sxying Wbhat Ylou're Whbat Yolu're Saxying Wgat Yiu're Sayying Wghat Yiou're Saing Whgat Yoiu're Saiyng
Wyat Youu're Saging Wyhat Yo're Sagying Whyat Yo'ure Sayging Whaat Yoh're Sahing Wht Yohu're Sahying Whta Youh're Sayhing
Whzt Yo7're Sa6ing Whzat Yo7u're Sa6ying Whazt You7're Say6ing Whqt Yok're Sauing Whqat Sauying Whaqt Youk're Sayuing
Whst Yoi're Sa7ing Whsat Sa7ying Whast Youi're Say7ing

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