Anything I'm Not

I will never be
I will never be tall
And I will never be
Never ever
Be sure of it all
Oh, why is the world
So cruel to me
When all
All I ever want to be
Is anything I'm not

Gimme a break
A little escape
I am so tired
Of being me
I wanna be free
I wanna be new
And different
Anything I'm not
I'm not

I will never be
I will never be you
I will always be
I will always be me
That I know
But oh
Even though
I'm happy being me
I want to get away
From all
This harsh reality

Gimme a break
A little escape
I am so tired
Of being me
I wanna be free
I wanna be new
And different
Anything I'm not

Gimme a break
A little escape
I am so tired
Of being me
I wanna be free
I wanna be new
And different
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not

Gimme a break
A little escape
I am so tired
Of being me
I wanna be free
I wanna be new
And different
Anything I'm not

Gimme a break
A little escape
I am so tired
Of being me
I wanna be free
I wanna be new
And different
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not

Mirror lyrics:

Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
And different
I wanna be new
I wanna be free
Of being me
I am so tired
A little escape
Gimme a break

Anything I'm not
And different
I wanna be new
I wanna be free
Of being me
I am so tired
A little escape
Gimme a break

Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
Anything I'm not
And different
I wanna be new
I wanna be free
Of being me
I am so tired
A little escape
Gimme a break

Anything I'm not
And different
I wanna be new
I wanna be free
Of being me
I am so tired
A little escape
Gimme a break

This harsh reality
From all
I want to get away
I'm happy being me
Even though
But oh
That I know
I will always be me
I will always be
I will never be you
I will never be

I'm not
Anything I'm not
And different
I wanna be new
I wanna be free
Of being me
I am so tired
A little escape
Gimme a break

Is anything I'm not
All I ever want to be
When all
So cruel to me
Oh, why is the world
Be sure of it all
Never ever
And I will never be
I will never be tall
I will never be

Relevant Tags:
AAnything II'm NNot nything 'm ot nAything 'Im oNt znything j'm mot zAnything jI'm mNot Aznything Ij'm Nmot qnything 9'm hot
qAnything 9I'm hNot Aqnything I9'm Nhot snything l'm jot sAnything lI'm jNot Asnything Il'm Njot wnything o'm bot wAnything oI'm bNot
Awnything Io'm Nbot xnything k'm Noot xAnything kI'm Nt Axnything Ik'm Nto Annything 8'm Nkt Aything 8I'm Nkot Aynthing I8'm Nokt
Amything u'm N9t Amnything uI'm N9ot Anmything Iu'm No9t Ahything I''m N0t Ahnything Im N0ot Anhything Im' No0t Ajything I'mm Nlt
Ajnything I' Nlot Anjything I'm Nolt Abything I'j Nit Abnything I'jm Niot Anbything I'mj Noit Anyything I'k Nott Anthing I'km No
Antyhing I'mk Not Angthing I'n Nof Angything I'nm Noft Anygthing I'mn Notf Anhthing No5 No5t Anyhthing Not5
An6thing Noh An6ything Noht Any6thing Noth Anuthing Noy Anuything Noyt Anyuthing Noty An7thing No6
An7ything No6t Any7thing Not6 Anjthing Nog Nogt Anyjthing Notg Antthing Nor Antything Nort
Anytthing Notr Anyhing Anyhting Anyfhing Anyfthing Anytfhing Any5hing
Any5thing Anyt5hing Anyhhing Anythhing Anyyhing Anytyhing Any6hing

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