Lene Lovich
New Toy

First verse
Did I ask you for your love?
Did I ask you for your dedication?
I don't want, I don't want your love.
I don't want, I don't want your affection!
But I've got to have the car
I need it for the weekend.
I've got to have the stereo,
And a couple of deletions
I've got to have the freezer
Put some fun back in my eating (?)
I've got to have it all until I'm complete!


I want a New Toy (oh ay oh), to keep my head expanding (ta).
I want a New Toy (oh ay oh), nothing too demanding (ta).
Then when everything is in roses everything is static (ta)
Yeh my New Toy (oh ay oh), you'll find us in the attic.

Second verse

You.. Sometimes you make me feel... I feel so insecure.
Sometimes you make me feel... nothing at all
I'm sick of the TV
Well look at the news
I'm sick of the radio
But what can you do?
I'm sick of the Hoover
I'm sick of it all, so what can I do?


I get a New Toy (oh ay oh), to keep my head expanding (ta).
I get a New Toy (oh ay oh), nothing too demanding (ta).
Then when everything is in roses you don't get any headroom.
Yeh my New Toy (oh ay oh), you'll find us in the bedroom, yeh.
New Toy
New toy...

Repeat to fade

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat to fade

New toy...
New Toy
Yeh my New Toy (oh ay oh), you'll find us in the bedroom, yeh.
Then when everything is in roses you don't get any headroom.
I get a New Toy (oh ay oh), nothing too demanding (ta).
I get a New Toy (oh ay oh), to keep my head expanding (ta).


I'm sick of it all, so what can I do?
I'm sick of the Hoover
But what can you do?
I'm sick of the radio
Well look at the news
I'm sick of the TV
Sometimes you make me feel... nothing at all
You.. Sometimes you make me feel... I feel so insecure.

Second verse

Yeh my New Toy (oh ay oh), you'll find us in the attic.
Then when everything is in roses everything is static (ta)
I want a New Toy (oh ay oh), nothing too demanding (ta).
I want a New Toy (oh ay oh), to keep my head expanding (ta).


I've got to have it all until I'm complete!
Put some fun back in my eating (?)
I've got to have the freezer
And a couple of deletions
I've got to have the stereo,
I need it for the weekend.
But I've got to have the car
I don't want, I don't want your affection!
I don't want, I don't want your love.
Did I ask you for your dedication?
Did I ask you for your love?
First verse

Relevant Tags:
NNew TToy ew oy eNw oTy mew foy mNew fToy Nmew Tfoy hew 5oy hNew 5Toy Nhew T5oy jew hoy jNew hToy
Njew Thoy bew yoy bNew yToy Nbew Tyoy Neew 6oy Nw 6Toy Nwe T6oy Nsw goy Nsew gToy Nesw Tgoy N3w roy
N3ew rToy Ne3w Troy Nfw Tooy Nfew Ty Nefw Tyo Nrw Tky Nrew Tkoy Nerw Toky N4w T9y N4ew T9oy Ne4w To9y

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