New Shoes

Woke up cold one tuesday,
I'm looking tired and feeling quite sick,
I felt like there was something missing in my day to day life,
So I quickly opened the wardrobe,
Pulled out some jeans and a T-Shirt that seemed clean,
Topped it off with a pair of old shoes,
That were ripped around the seams,
And I thought these shoes just don't suit me.

Hey, I put some new shoes on,
And suddenly everything is right,
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,
It so inviting,
Oh, short on money,
But long on time,
Slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
And I'm running late,
And I don't need an excuse,
'cause I'm wearing my brand new shoes.

Woke up late one thursday,
And I'm seeing stars as I'm rubbing my eyes,
And I felt like there were two days missing,
As I focused on the time,
And I made my way to the kitchen,
But I had to stop from the shock of what I found,
A room full of all my friends dancing round and round,
And I thought hello new shoes,
Byebye them blues.


Take me wondering through these streets,
Where bright lights and angels meet,
Stone to stone they take me on,
Im walking to the break of dawn. [x2]

[CHORUS (x2)]

Take me wondering through these streets

Mirror lyrics:

Take me wondering through these streets

[CHORUS (x2)]

Im walking to the break of dawn. [x2]
Stone to stone they take me on,
Where bright lights and angels meet,
Take me wondering through these streets,


Byebye them blues.
And I thought hello new shoes,
A room full of all my friends dancing round and round,
But I had to stop from the shock of what I found,
And I made my way to the kitchen,
As I focused on the time,
And I felt like there were two days missing,
And I'm seeing stars as I'm rubbing my eyes,
Woke up late one thursday,

'cause I'm wearing my brand new shoes.
And I don't need an excuse,
And I'm running late,
Slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
But long on time,
Oh, short on money,
It so inviting,
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,
And suddenly everything is right,
Hey, I put some new shoes on,

And I thought these shoes just don't suit me.
That were ripped around the seams,
Topped it off with a pair of old shoes,
Pulled out some jeans and a T-Shirt that seemed clean,
So I quickly opened the wardrobe,
I felt like there was something missing in my day to day life,
I'm looking tired and feeling quite sick,
Woke up cold one tuesday,

Relevant Tags:
NNew SShoes ew hoes eNw hSoes mew zhoes mNew zShoes Nmew Szhoes hew whoes hNew wShoes Nhew Swhoes jew dhoes jNew dShoes
Njew Sdhoes bew ehoes bNew eShoes Nbew Sehoes Neew xhoes Nw xShoes Nwe Sxhoes Nsw ahoes Nsew aShoes Nesw Sahoes N3w Shhoes
N3ew Soes Ne3w Sohes Nfw Sjoes Nfew Sjhoes Nefw Shjoes Nrw Suoes Nrew Suhoes Nerw Shuoes N4w Snoes N4ew Snhoes Ne4w Shnoes
Ndw Sboes Ndew Sbhoes Nedw Shboes Nww Sgoes Nwew Sghoes Neww Shgoes Syoes Ne Syhoes New Shyoes Nea Shooes Neaw Shes
Newa Sheos Ne3 Shkes Shkoes New3 Shokes Ned Sh9es Sh9oes Newd Sho9es

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