Kylie Minogue
Just Wanna Love You

Baby, there's no way of knowing
If we've got a good thing going
Better not believe in true love
That's what people say
There's nothing fatal in attraction
I'm just looking for some action
Better not go chasing rainbows
That's what people say

Every time I see your face
Emotion takes control of me
It turns me round and puts me in a spin
Oh can't you see

I just wanna love you
I wanna be the one
Who's holding you tonight
I just wanna love you
Every minute of the hour
Every morning, noon and night

There's gotta be a way to show you
I'd really like to get to know you
I could make you happy
If you'd take a chance on me
Don't wanna talk about forever
Can't you see it's now or never
Don't think about tomorrow
Take a change on me

You know it makes me so excited
Every time I think of you
It turns me round and puts me in a spin
Oh can't you see


I just wanna love you
I, I just wanna love you
(Holding you tonight)
I just wanna love you
I, I just wanna love you
(Every morning, noon and night)

Take a chance, take a chance, chance
Take a chance, take a chance
Take a chance on me
Take a chance, take a chance, chance
Take a chance, take a chance
Take a chance on me



I just wanna love you
I just wanna love you
(Holding you tonight)
I just wanna love you
I just wanna love you
(Every morning, noon and night)


Mirror lyrics:


(Every morning, noon and night)
I just wanna love you
I just wanna love you
(Holding you tonight)
I just wanna love you
I just wanna love you



Take a chance on me
Take a chance, take a chance
Take a chance, take a chance, chance
Take a chance on me
Take a chance, take a chance
Take a chance, take a chance, chance

(Every morning, noon and night)
I, I just wanna love you
I just wanna love you
(Holding you tonight)
I, I just wanna love you
I just wanna love you


Oh can't you see
It turns me round and puts me in a spin
Every time I think of you
You know it makes me so excited

Take a change on me
Don't think about tomorrow
Can't you see it's now or never
Don't wanna talk about forever
If you'd take a chance on me
I could make you happy
I'd really like to get to know you
There's gotta be a way to show you

Every morning, noon and night
Every minute of the hour
I just wanna love you
Who's holding you tonight
I wanna be the one
I just wanna love you

Oh can't you see
It turns me round and puts me in a spin
Emotion takes control of me
Every time I see your face

That's what people say
Better not go chasing rainbows
I'm just looking for some action
There's nothing fatal in attraction
That's what people say
Better not believe in true love
If we've got a good thing going
Baby, there's no way of knowing

Relevant Tags:
JJust WWanna LLove YYou ust anna ove ou uJst aWnna oLve oYu kust aanna kove gou kJust aWanna kLove gYou Jkust Waanna Lkove Ygou
iust 3anna oove hou iJust 3Wanna oLove hYou Jiust W3anna Loove Yhou must danna pove 6ou mJust dWanna pLove 6You Jmust Wdanna Lpove Y6ou
nust eanna uou nJust eWanna Lve uYou Jnust Weanna Lvoe Yuou hust sanna Lkve 7ou hJust sWanna 7You Jhust Wsanna Lokve Y7ou
uust 2anna L9ve jou uJust 2Wanna L9ove jYou Juust W2anna Lo9ve Yjou qanna L0ve tou Jst qWanna L0ove tYou Jsut Wqanna Lo0ve Ytou
Jhst Llve Yoou Wnna Llove Yu Juhst Wnana Lolve Yuo J7st Wznna Live Yku J7ust Wzanna Liove Ykou Ju7st Waznna Loive Yoku
Jkst Wqnna Lovve Y9u Loe Y9ou Jukst Waqnna Loev Yo9u Jist Wsnna Lobe Y0u Lobve Y0ou Juist Wasnna Lovbe Yo0u
J8st Wwnna Loce Ylu J8ust Wwanna Locve Ylou Ju8st Wawnna Lovce Yolu Jjst Wxnna Loge Yiu Jjust Wxanna Logve Yiou Jujst Waxnna Lovge Yoiu
Jyst Wannna Lofe Youu

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